Band Aid 20

Talk about murdering a classic song!! Not a patch on the origional with Boy George, Duran Duran et al, but yes it will raise more money for the needy, which is the main thing.
Evey time I hear this new version I feel like hanging myself! Load of tosh if you ask me :frowning:

Agreed total kack


Yes totally agree and who’s Idea was it
to put dizzy rascal in it :unamused:
for a good cause but the song is not as good
as the original.

Yes totally agree and who’s Idea was it
to put dizzy rascal in it :unamused:
for a good cause but the song is not as good
as the original.

Bob unspellable :laughing: .

Dizzie rascal is quality on it… when they were recording it in the studio, he was the only one who got the standing ovation. It’s bringing it into the 21st century i guess. Even Bono kicked off cause they were gunna change his part… hehe

I will say though it will never beat the original, but it will still be number one xmas day.

Yeah ok it will be number 1, it’s kack, but it will still be number 1. But what is being number 1 worth nowadays anyway? Would be interesting if it would also be the number 1 downloaded song?

band aid…a plaster…a cover up…a cover over…enough said…i wouldnt have the record if someone gave to me for free…(address at bottom of page)…just kidding…its a load of rubbish and no where near as good as the original…which is what everyone`s saying anyway…but i wanted to say it one more time…for the record…that is…ha ha …
have a nice day

just listened to it 4 the first time right through… total rubbish

It’s too polished I prefer the original.

Remember the reason that this was done though. :open_mouth: Like bob said himself. it dont matter if you dont like it just buy a copy and help those less fortunate its an easy way to make a donation at this time of year.

This record was never gonna be a groundbreaker or the best thing you have ever heard. but if by assembling the acts that they have this gets the kids or whoever into the shop then they have done there job.

i for one think good on em even if it aint up to much :confused: