The annoying tv adverts have started.
I have seen Christmas trees up at Msa’s and garden centres.
We all hate it but feel like a mass murderer if you do not buy any presents.
The roads become chaos.
It is one day only then when it is over it is a let down and anti climax.
So much money is spent and nobody is religous.
We can not stand the relations we visit and vice versa.
It is so funny to fall asleep after Christmas dinner.
The tv is appaling.40 year old films.
This might cheer you up … … 3110881018
Personally, I love Christmas. We don’t have a telly so we avoid all the rubbish that spews out of it over the festive season. All christmas means to me is a chance to see my family, eat too much and drink even more, with possibly the occasional funny cigarette. At the very least, it’s two weeks off work, and what’s not to like about that?
The Coca Cola ad has just been on during the ad break on X Factor.
The Coca Cola ad has just been on during the ad break on X Factor.IT’S FRIKKIN EARLY NOVEMBER FOR CHRIST’S SAKE.
I’m thinking the same Quinny. They are starting too early with their ads this year.
The Coca Cola ad has just been on during the ad break on X Factor.IT’S FRIKKIN EARLY NOVEMBER FOR CHRIST’S SAKE.
Serves you right for watching the X Factor. Why would anyone voluntarily pollute their ears with that? I’d rather watch the adverts, and that’s saying something.
Bah humbug .
Dont’t get me started on New Years Eve.What is all that about ?.
And radio presenters that all say numerous times it is nearly the weekend on a wednesday/thursday.
And assume the whole nation is off work from friday 16.00.They do a countdown and ask their stooge in the studio “What are your plans for the weekend.?”.
And all monday they go on by saying it is that monday feeling back at work.“Do not worry listeners it will soon be the weekend.”
Why do local presenters all sound the same.They talk like Smashy and Nicey from the Harry Enfield sketches.
With cheesy one liners/puns and gags.
Rhythm Thief:
The Coca Cola ad has just been on during the ad break on X Factor.IT’S FRIKKIN EARLY NOVEMBER FOR CHRIST’S SAKE.
Serves you right for watching the X Factor. Why would anyone voluntarily pollute their ears with that? I’d rather watch the adverts, and that’s saying something.
I wasn’t though. The wife and daughter were, and I was on the lappy.
Having said that, Leicester’s Sam Bailey can’t half belt out a tune…
Do not forget the sofa adverts.If order now it is ready for Christmas.The sale ends at the of the week.And runs all year.Even Martin Kemp was trying to flog them.So true.
The Coca Cola ad has just been on during the ad break on X Factor.IT’S FRIKKIN EARLY NOVEMBER FOR CHRIST’S SAKE.
I’m thinking the same Quinny. They are starting too early with their ads this year.
This is what Christmas is all about … From the 1950s, would you believe.
The Americans take Thanks Giving very seriously.It seems more special in the snow.Steve Martin and the late John Candy must be one of the best films ever.In Planes,trains and automobiles.
Another fun one is Decking the halls with Danny Devito.
The Christmas lights on his house can be seen from space.He steals electricity from his grumpy neighbour.
Jim Carey as the Grinch another top seasonal movie.
Why is Holly Willowby/Clare Bolding and Phillip Schofield on everything along with Peter Andre.
Made a few million by not being able to sing and a few bob made from false crocodile tears on his tv documentary.
Christmas is OK for me, it gives me precious time to spend with my wife. If I get home in the week, I get a couple of hours with her, then I’m off to bed as I’m up about 4am. We do shopping and things Saturdays, so I only normally get Sundays. Christmas gives me a couple of weeks to do what we want to do, go where we want to go, plenty of good food and a couple of glasses of wine and a drop of the Scottish juice and seeing our families…bring it on
Do not forget the sofa adverts.If order now it is ready for Christmas.The sale ends at the of the week.And runs all year.Even Martin Kemp was trying to flog them.So true.
Funny how it seems.
Does the tractor driver have webbed feet.?
Does the tractor driver have webbed feet.?
Nice one.
Someone down the road from where I live has had outside Christmas lights up the full length of the house for nearly a week now
It’s just too early