Bad report for me

Got Hyper familial cholestaimea.High trygliceride lipids in the blood.HDL and LDL levels dodgy too.

I haven’t got a clue what any of that means but since you said it’s a bad report I hope you get it sorted Tim, good luck.

Just stop eating fat…not a problem. Eat loads of fruit and good stuff, stay off the Truckers brekkie and eat RAW porridge just the oats and cold milk, this will bloat you out and make you feel full till afternoon easy…

IMHO, if Tim did less crunches, 15-mile bike rides, squats and press-ups, and smoked more ■■■■ and drunk more beer like the rest of us then he wouldn’t be in such an unhealthy state.

AS some one has all ready posted a change of diet
is required,and you willbe under your GP, so he/she
will give your lots of advice and what ever else is needed
all the best,

Harry Monk:
IMHO, if Tim did less crunches, 15-mile bike rides, squats and press-ups, and smoked more ■■■■ and drunk more beer like the rest of us then he wouldn’t be in such an unhealthy state.

Thats what I was thinking :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Ive got a mate who is MEGA fit, or so he thought, his last medical was a "whats what" of poor health, ALLSORTS wrong with him internally, and his joints aint that good either :blush:

I passed my medical without ANY problems, internally VERY good, according to my GP.

And I dont do ANY excerise WHATSOEVER, unless its work and Im getting paid :laughing: :laughing:

I`ve always thought it funny, that “body builder” types are usually workshy, and, “keep fit” nutters are the ones to start panting at the first sign of hard work :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

James F. Fixx (April 23, 1932—July 20, 1984) was the author of the 1977 best-selling book, The Complete Book of Running. Best known as Jim Fixx, he is credited with helping start America’s fitness revolution, popularizing the sport of running and demonstrating the health benefits of regular jogging.

Fixx died at the age of 52 of a massive heart attack, after his daily run, on Route 15 in Hardwick, Vermont.

Ive just been told ive got to take a double dose of statins at night now because of cholestrol ffs its healthy living thats done that (fry up every weekend) cooked by the wife lol

Ive just been told ive got to take a double dose of statins at night now because of cholestrol ffs its healthy living thats done that (fry up every weekend) cooked by the wife lol

I know, it is quite amazing. You go to the doctor for a check up, he tells you to lose a little weight then gives you loads of small sweets to eat.

Statin for Cholesterol
Beta Blockers to slow you down
Pills for Hypertension

How can you count the calories of all these tablets? :smiley:

My cholesterol is spot on but I keep myself awake rattling, now I need sleeping tablets too :wink: