Bad idea?

I don’t know if this has been discussed on here before, But i think this is a bad idea.
What do you think?

From January 2014, DSA will implement changes to the types of vehicles that can be used for LGV tests. Drivers may take their test in automatic LGV vehicles and providing they already hold a manual licence in another category eg: car, they will be given a manual LGV licence.

Yeah it was done a while ago Phil.

Probably around the time you were asking the man with the keys to put another bar on your window 'cos you were cold. :smiley: :smiley:

the maoster:
Yeah it was done a while ago Phil.

Probably around the time you were asking the man with the keys to put another bar on your window 'cos you were cold. :smiley: :smiley:

:laughing: :laughing:
Was you there? It was cold as it happens. :laughing:

I loved that last remark…ha ha

They also did it with PSV, or whatever it s called nowdays, if you took a test in an auto, thats the licence you got, if a manual, you got what was called all types now its funny really cos i had a spell on the buses, and my test was on a RT, which was a manual without a clutch, the pedal was there, but was called an operators pedal, in a sense it was pre select, and only went into gear when the pedal was pushed. So because many thousands were using London Transport as a stepping stone ( if you took your test in a RT type, you got an all types licence ) so the government changed the rules.
So i got an auto licence, and after a while i started to work for a coach company ( illegally i might add ) and my licence was up for renewal, so back then, one had to get his employer to sign the form, just to make sure he was still driving the said vehicles. At the same time, my coach company put me under pressure to show my licence, and i was under pressure to FRO, cos i didnt have the one required to drive coaches, and they wanted me to start touring, and international, so i was a bit desperate, as the work was high class ( American Express ) everything paid for, driver included, the same as the passengers, but at the time i could only do London Sightseeing, So, on the applicatiuon it asked many questions as per usual, and one of them was: Which type of Licence do you require and i told them the truth, and ticked the box All Types , well it wasnt the one i was entitled to,. but the one i required, and guess what…they sent it…so i was as pleased as punch when i marched into the transport office of the coach company, and showed him, mind you, he was shocked too, and asked me how i managed it, i just think he was guessing. But thats all in the past, as its a licence you have to keep up, and so because i went back on the trucks, i couldnt renew it, and therefore i now do not have a PSV, PCV, or even an ABC ( thats a point, why do the authorities keep changing the Names, they still refer to them as Lorries, Coaches, Buses dont they.