Back to work for the sickies

blue estate:
So is this a whole generalisation here ? Or just a plain drunken rant ?
Tell your views to a solider with PTSD who jumps out his/hers skin at every loud bang
Or the mother /father who finds their teenage son/daughter hanging in their bed room because Oh you’re not really mentally ill
Oh and I suppose you’re not seen the story on the news about the who was put in secure mental hospitals 100’s miles from home , kept getting moved but no closer to home or family , She did finally make it back near her family in a box

it is getting the correct balance/proportion…I had a homeless female alcoholic on the bus,paid her fare to where ever she was going. Bus was fairly busy,and she was slumped in her seat spilling all the contents of her beer on the floor. I checked to see if she had missed her stop…to cut a long story short,she started shouting going on about that she has mental health and I was pecking her head…I get occasionally a fella that comes on,and he suffers from Bullous pemphigoid,having to bandage himself from head to toe,now that is a strain on his mental well-being,compared to some alcohol who is a public nuisance

There’s someone on our street who has an acute form of aspergers,and gets everything paid for,flat,council tax…etc but he doesn’t live in the flat (which is somewhere else,no idea where) but lives with a girl that has two kids from another relationship,and she has recently given birth. He also has a 72 plate Audi. If he is capable to drive and produce a child,he is capable to earn a living

And so what if one in a million (even the tories own research shows fraud is miniscule - at the most 1-2%. I think the report said more money was unclaimed than was ever paid out in fraud) did somehow find this mysterious way of making the dole pay? Does that mean everyone has to suffer and get £85 a week? When the French get two-thirds salary for 6 months? And £85 isn’t what I got - that’s what EVERYONE gets.

Do you think some of these blokes who claim to be rich on the dole are just talking from bravado? Do you think if your mate was feeling sick to his stomach with worry and had just thieved a tenner to go for a drink with you he’d tell you that? Or would he play the big man?

There’s someone on our street who has an acute form of aspergers,and gets everything paid for,flat,council tax…etc but he doesn’t live in the flat (which is somewhere else,no idea where) but lives with a girl that has two kids from another relationship,and she has recently given birth. He also has a 72 plate Audi. If he is capable to drive and produce a child,he is capable to earn a living

With wages as low as they are how can he work? Minimum wage ain’t going to pay for a flat and three kids. And I know he shouldn’t have had kids if he’s long term ill but people are like that. Should we ban all people on benefits from having kids? Should we ban all disasbled people from having kids?

See if all these people stopped saying “£85 is too much” it would have a knock on effect on pay. Pay would go up. This idea of “dole claimants being millionaires” was seeded in the 80s by the right-wing. Instead of having a system that supports you if you happen to fall out of work or get injured we have one that punishes everyone because “My mate says he met a bloke who met a bloke who knew a woman on dole who had a rolls-royce”.

It’s as stupid as having a pic in the daily mail of a fat bloke going to the doctors and then starting a big campaign to reduce NHS care for everyone “Because this one fat bloke is taking the p!ss”

I went on the rock n roll for a bit when I was booted from my first job. Didn’t really have a problem with it cause I knew what it was, just helped me out between jobs. Never going to make you well off without scamming it lol.

Good point someone made about the rent/tax being paid aswell as a living payment. Whack out a few kids out on top of that and hey presto… a 72 plate financed Audi on the drive.
Genuine claimants no issue whatsoever with. If you’re entitled to it then claim it.

I went on the rock n roll for a bit when I was booted from my first job. Didn’t really have a problem with it cause I knew what it was, just helped me out between jobs. Never going to make you well off without scamming it lol.

Good point someone made about the rent/tax being paid aswell as a living payment. Whack out a few kids out on top of that and hey presto… a 72 plate financed Audi on the drive.
Genuine claimants no issue whatsoever with. If you’re entitled to it then claim it.

Exactly. JeffA seems fixated on the £85 a week figure which is the basic dole amount. He seems to ignore all the other tops up these people get as well as having the large expenses covered like I and you mention. You almost can’t blame them for milking the system. Throw in the cars the ones claiming for bogus disabilities get as well.

I used to work with a guy who was entitled to a new car every 3 years because his 10 year old son had some sort of disability. He used to tell us how ridiculous it was because his sons condition didn’t actually warrant them needing the car but if the system was insistent on them having it then more fool them.

And I know he shouldn’t have had kids if he’s long term ill but people are like that. Should we ban all people on benefits from having kids? Should we ban all disasbled people from having kids?

:smiley: banning them from having sprogs is not the matter…it is when people are being selective with their conditions


I went on the rock n roll for a bit when I was booted from my first job. Didn’t really have a problem with it cause I knew what it was, just helped me out between jobs. Never going to make you well off without scamming it lol.

Good point someone made about the rent/tax being paid aswell as a living payment. Whack out a few kids out on top of that and hey presto… a 72 plate financed Audi on the drive.
Genuine claimants no issue whatsoever with. If you’re entitled to it then claim it.

Exactly. JeffA seems fixated on the £85 a week figure which is the basic dole amount. He seems to ignore all the other tops up these people get as well as having the large expenses covered like I and you mention. You almost can’t blame them for milking the system. Throw in the cars the ones claiming for bogus disabilities get as well.

I used to work with a guy who was entitled to a new car every 3 years because his 10 year old son had some sort of disability. He used to tell us how ridiculous it was because his sons condition didn’t actually warrant them needing the car but if the system was insistent on them having it then more fool them.

What large expenses were they? What other “top-ups” were there? Have you ever been on the dole yourself? Until you have you really havn’t got a clue.

So he got a mobility car? What’s the problem with that? I didn’t get a mobility car because I’m not disabled.

The idea of the benefits system is to help people - it’s not meant to be a punishment for being out of work. But like I say - there’s not much point arguing about it until you’ve been on the dole yourself and know what you’re talking about.


And I know he shouldn’t have had kids if he’s long term ill but people are like that. Should we ban all people on benefits from having kids? Should we ban all disasbled people from having kids?

:smiley: banning them from having sprogs is not the matter…it is when people are being selective with their conditions

Do we apply this to other aspects of the benefit system - like free health care? Should we pay for fatties to have health care? Smokers? People who don’t exercise?

You can’t pick and choose who you help - you have to introduce a system for everyone. So one in a million people take the p!ss - that’s life I’m afraid. It doesn’t mean you have to make everyone who loses their job suffer for it.



I went on the rock n roll for a bit when I was booted from my first job. Didn’t really have a problem with it cause I knew what it was, just helped me out between jobs. Never going to make you well off without scamming it lol.

Good point someone made about the rent/tax being paid aswell as a living payment. Whack out a few kids out on top of that and hey presto… a 72 plate financed Audi on the drive.
Genuine claimants no issue whatsoever with. If you’re entitled to it then claim it.

Exactly. JeffA seems fixated on the £85 a week figure which is the basic dole amount. He seems to ignore all the other tops up these people get as well as having the large expenses covered like I and you mention. You almost can’t blame them for milking the system. Throw in the cars the ones claiming for bogus disabilities get as well.

I used to work with a guy who was entitled to a new car every 3 years because his 10 year old son had some sort of disability. He used to tell us how ridiculous it was because his sons condition didn’t actually warrant them needing the car but if the system was insistent on them having it then more fool them.

What large expenses were they? What other “top-ups” were there? Have you ever been on the dole yourself? Until you have you really havn’t got a clue.

So he got a mobility car? What’s the problem with that? I didn’t get a mobility car because I’m not disabled.

The idea of the benefits system is to help people - it’s not meant to be a punishment for being out of work. But like I say - there’s not much point arguing about it until you’ve been on the dole yourself and know what you’re talking about.

Top ups include free/reduced council tax & rent. Plus then keep popping kids out like I said and thats child benefits.
One of these scammers actually had the front to ask me why I wasn’t working when I went in the pub last Thursday lol.
I do understand where you’re coming from as in £85 a week isn’t a great deal of money. It should be an incentive for those who are capable to get off their backside and earn some more themselves imo. That’s what I did.

The idea of the benefits system is to help people - it’s not meant to be a punishment for being out of work. But like I say - there’s not much point arguing about it until you’ve been on the dole yourself and know what you’re talking about.

In which case the scamming scum masquerading as a ( Labour ) Party would obviously have made the whole contributions v benefits system contractual.Which obviously means that the terms and conditions can’t be changed at any time on the perogative of of the provider.Just like any private pension and income protection insurance policy.IE a definition of disability based on specific occupation and retirement based on a specific age can’t be changed at any time by any government.

Lolz. Im not even going to get involved in whats been written previously. most of it is based upon sample sizes of 1-2 people and what they have read in some rag. If you support this policy then don’t bother moaning when it is YOU who it targets. Got cancer - Well take yer meds and get driving, Disabled from the neck down - Go get a job as a scarecrow.
You bleat about “I have worked all my life without a day off and then get nothing” - You get nothing because people like you that come before you have said “let’s clamp down on that”.
1st they came for…
Anyway spare a thought old Alan Sugar who has found out being a Lord means he cant be a non dom and has landed him with £160m+ tax bill. Maybe start a gofundme page.

What large expenses were they? What other “top-ups” were there? Have you ever been on the dole yourself? Until you have you really havn’t got a clue.

I’ve already explained the expenses. Plus I don’t need to have been on the dole myself, I used to see inside the houses of these career scroungers on a daily basis. If you want to be naive and believe they are just on £85 a week then crack on. These people have never worked a day in their lives and probably never will because the benefits they are entitled to give them no incentive.


What large expenses were they? What other “top-ups” were there? Have you ever been on the dole yourself? Until you have you really havn’t got a clue.

I’ve already explained the expenses. Plus I don’t need to have been on the dole myself, I used to see inside the houses of these career scroungers on a daily basis. If you want to be naive and believe they are just on £85 a week then crack on. These people have never worked a day in their lives and probably never will because the benefits they are entitled to give them no incentive.

So you think everybody who receives dole money is a scrounger that needs exterminating? What would you take benefits down to? £20 a month? Would that be ok?

So he got a mobility car? What’s the problem with that? I didn’t get a mobility car because I’m not disabled.

Go back and read what I put. His son’s condition didn’t require the car but they were “entitled” to one anyway. This is a large part of the problem and where people are sick and tired of the current benefits system.


So he got a mobility car? What’s the problem with that? I didn’t get a mobility car because I’m not disabled.

Go back and read what I put. His son’s condition didn’t require the car but they were “entitled” to one anyway. This is a large part of the problem and where people are sick and tired of the current benefits system.

So what’s your solution then? Not give them anything at all? Let them all sleep in tent cities in towns?

So you think everybody who receives dole money is a scrounger that needs exterminating? What would you take benefits down to? £20 a month? Would that be ok?

Did I say that? There are people who are in “genuine” need of benefits, be it through illness, loss of employment for whatever reason, mental health conditions. I have absolutely no problem helping these people. I also think these people should be helped with considerably more than £85 a week. Sadly genuine claimants get lumped in the same bracket as the millions of Jeremy Kyle generation scroungers I’ve already referred to in previous posts on this thread.



So he got a mobility car? What’s the problem with that? I didn’t get a mobility car because I’m not disabled.

Go back and read what I put. His son’s condition didn’t require the car but they were “entitled” to one anyway. This is a large part of the problem and where people are sick and tired of the current benefits system.

So what’s your solution then?

Not give out free cars to people who actually don’t need them and openly admit it! :unamused:


So you think everybody who receives dole money is a scrounger that needs exterminating? What would you take benefits down to? £20 a month? Would that be ok?

Did I say that? There are people who are in “genuine” need of benefits, be it through illness, loss of employment for whatever reason, mental health conditions. I have absolutely no problem helping these people. I also think these people should be helped with considerably more than £85 a week. Sadly genuine claimants get lumped in the same bracket as the millions of Jeremy Kyke generation scroungers I’ve already referred to in previous posts on this thread.

I’ve said before on here,.despite Jefffs obsessive 85quid mantra, …In a previous life with 4 kids at home and living in a rented house at the time, and made bankrupt I could have been quids in… and was for a few weeks, getting everything paid for, but the lifestyle was not for me…how stupid was I eh? :unamused:

I would imagine when Jeff experienced life on the dole and his 85 quid .he was young free and single with no dependants nor commitments… but he is being very naive to actually believe that there are no people out there who regularly work the system and have it sussed.
Benefits are there as a help not an alternative lifestyle.
Hid denial is up there with the lefty socialist opinion that all male young foreign imported trash walkig our streets are genuine and bona fide asylum seekers.

I’ve said before on here,.despite Jefffs obsessive 85quid mantra, …In a previous life with 4 kids at home and living in a rented house at the time, and made bankrupt I could have been quids in… and was for a few weeks, getting everything paid for, but the lifestyle was not for me…how stupid was I eh? :unamused:

I would imagine when Jeff experienced life on the dole and his 85 quid .he was young free and single with no dependants nor commitments… but he is being very naive to actually believe that there are no people out there who regularly work the system and have it sussed.
Benefits are there as a help not an alternative lifestyle.
Hid denial is up there with the lefty socialist opinion that all male young foreign imported trash walkig our streets are genuine and bona fide asylum seekers.

Exactly. I have tried to point this out to him but he won’t take the blinkers off and seems to think I am attacking the people genuinely in need of help.

As you say, thanks to Mr Blair and his Labour government we now have a whole generation of people who chose a life on benefits because it pays for them.