Back from the deep dark mists of swindon....... hehe

Hiya… Sorry i’ve not been about for a while, just thought i’d pop in and say hi, i’m still alive and driving.

Nowt new to report other than i’ve given up all the bad things in life, drink, ■■■■, still trying on the ■■■ front,… contemplating becoming the first hgv driving nun, what dya reckon■■? hehe

Still driving the big orange ones, but i’m not sure how long for, new TM coming in, always up for a change and a shake about. Good job i’m a fully signed up union member i guess.

9 weeks for the ■■■■, bloody hard going, i think i’ve done really well though. Considering i was smoking nearly 60 a day, and for a woman my age that is bad. Couple of reasons i give it up really, my boy, the money, good ol Mr Brown tipped me in the budget with an extra 10p on the ■■■■, my health. I’ve been using the patches via the quack, strange how they’ll fall over backwards to help you give up smoking isn’t it. Funny thing though, bout two weeks after i give up, wincanton announced a no smoking policy in the work place, so tied in quite nice. Funny thing though, i don’t miss it when i’m driving just when i get stressed out.

Not got much else going on, hoping to go to the truckfest south west this year, so if i get down there keep ya eyes peeled for me those of ya that are going.

I hipe your all ok and keeping well, i’m on a borrowed PC at the moment, someone kinda hacked into mine and destroyed the guts so, i may not be on for another 6 months, but if anyone wants to get hold of me give margate of cornishtrucker a holler they’ve got me number.

Take care everyone… love ya

Tiggz xxxxxx

Hi Tiggz, great to see you about. Congrats with the smoking - been trying and failing to give up for ages myself, failed so far. Hope you’re back online for “proper” soon. :grimacing:

Ps. The nun thing. Could be interesting…pmsl. :wink:

Welcome back tiggz.

See that hehe you put on the end of your thread title? Please don’t as we already have one doing it. :wink: :stuck_out_tongue: :smiley: :smiley: