B2163 Lorry Watch

This bit of road has been mentioned before. This week has seen large numbers of signs erected along the section between the A20 and the A 274, warning that the passage of HGV along this section of road is being monitored and that vehicles over 17t GVW will be reported.

This road through Leeds and Langley has become extremely busy during peak hours, with cars using it to by-pass Maidstone town centre, which has been very congested due to long term roadworks. This has no doubt aggravated those who live along the road and so KCC is presumably targeting the only thing it can, by going after the lorries which shouldn’t be using the road. It has certainly become noticeable over the summer that more UK reg vehicles over 17t are using the road, when previously it was foreign fridge motors trying a short cut from the M20 to the various packhouses in the area.

Quite why KCC failed to update the signs years ago when 4 wheeler weights increased to 18t is a reflection of just how well informed the authorities are. A similar situation exists with the night-time ban in London; some signs read 18t some 17t and some even 16.5t (Dartmouth rd,Forest Hill).

The FTA woman mentioned below seems to be just so well on the ball!

kent.gov.uk/news_and_events/ … hed_i.aspx