B&Q Doncaster

Went in today with two drops. One booked in for 11.30, the other for 12.30, they took both off together, but i’m now told that they shouldn’t have done that. I should have done the 11.30, gone out and then gone back in at 12.30 as B&Q hand out fines for everything. i.e late, damaged goods which is fair enough, but for things like the shrink wrap round the pallet and goods being ripped is ridiculous. Surely if B&Qs rules are that if you are early they fine you then make the drivers aware at the gate, it’s their choice then. Now concerned that the firms got a grand fine coming. Anybody had the same or know of this?

B&Q Cambuslang is the same. They reject pallets if the ASN barcode on the shrink wrap won’t scan too. Then the have the cheek to fine the supplier for this.

As far as I know they only fine you if your more than an hour early, saying that though, I heard it was only used for persistent offenders who kept turning up early or late.

Cheers Selby, I must admit, the very first time I went in there I was an hour early and nothing was said, but it seems to vary dependant who’s on. Don’t really need the firm to get any fine, as they are taking me on full time mid November

they used to fine us when we did multi drop flower pot deliverys to their B&Q Warehouses, trouble is it was their double decker deliverys that would make us late for the other drops as they all have a full load for each stall then they would load back up the empty stillages. They had a turnaround of 2 hour!
You would tell the next goods in bloke at the next B&q but they wouldn’t give a toss, they wouldn’t even let you tip before their trucks even if you only had one pallet on for them, so what did we do? Have a window of 15mins after you arrived at the store for your booking slot and if we weren’t tipped we would sod off with their stock and fine them and charge them for the haulage :smiley: They did not like that one bit but ■■■■ em, if other companys started fining RDC’S and the like for making them late for their other drops maybe things would change and these places would book their ideas up as they are just takeing the ■■■■ and there’s no need for it sometimes :imp:

Cheers Selby, I must admit, the very first time I went in there I was an hour early and nothing was said, but it seems to vary dependant who’s on. Don’t really need the firm to get any fine, as they are taking me on full time mid November

Was it the place at Redhouse you went to?? They can be a funny lot there. I used to go to Redhouse, Radlett, Swindon & Worksop RDC’s regular and Redhouse and Swindon are by far the worst out of them all

Anybody had the same or know of this?

Yes, I’m delivering to B&Q Doncaster tomorrow and I’ve been told the same.

Redhouse was the one, have had a few arsey security blokes on there, Worksops fine, no problems.

Our gaffer tells us if we are more than half hour early or half hour late then they hand out a £1000 fine I don’t believe it’s that much for a second.
But if you turn up at redhouse with 13.30 delivery you won’t get tipped until after shift change but do hauliers complain? No because they are scared of losing the contract,firms need to get some balls and man up to these big rdcs

‘Fining’ hauliers a grand because the truck turned up early… :laughing: :unamused: Who these people think they are I really have no idea. Yet another example of the trumped-up, look-how-important-we-are world of RDC idiocy.

it’s all take and no give,pull up at 17.59 for a 18.00 delivery :smiley:

now sit around for 6 hours like a ■■■.

I may be wrong, but I don’t think RDC’s have the power to issue fines. They can send an invoice to your company, who can choose to ignore it. But fines they ain’t.

This is why the company I work for, refuses to sell stock to B and Q.

The time window is 30 mins at all B&Qs, before and after booking time.

When I used to work for Tarmac delivering sand etc it was £1000 fine for a missed delivery. I used to have regular stores and go in whatever time I wanted it was down to the back door man to record the time you got there. When I was on night work I had an 0300 delivery that I used to deliver 2200 the night before. I was home in bed by midnight.

I deliver to B&Q’s every day. To be honest, so long as you deliver the same day most seem OK. Last week I got up early to make my delivery from base (Rochdale) to Scarborough. I arrived at 7.45am, 15 mins prior to my booking time to be greeted by a big orange RDC with a full load, that had JUST started to unload! He was booked in at 9am. I was lucky and the lad who was tipping said It he would unload my 4 pallets while the RDC driver was doing up his curtain and shunting for the other side. Lucky me! Ver rarely do you get to be allowed in the yard at the same time as another vehicle.
Today I managed to deliver 3 out of 4 deliveries, that were due yesterday :smiley:
I very much doubt your company will get fined.

Rhythm Thief:
I may be wrong, but I don’t think RDC’s have the power to issue fines. They can send an invoice to your company, who can choose to ignore it. But fines they ain’t.

No, you are right, B&Q do not have the power to issue fines, any more than I could issue B&Q with a fine because they said they would deliver a garden shed to my house between 3 and 4 pm, and they turned up at 16:31.

We do a lot to b&q but we don’t have these problems.
I go in at 07.00 for a 17.00 and nowt sever said :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Mind you they are containers lol.

this thread isn’t about delivering to B&Q stores,we are talking about delivering to B&Q own distribution warehouses !

We do a lot to b&q but we don’t have these problems.
I go in at 07.00 for a 17.00 and nowt sever said :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Mind you they are containers lol.

We used to have it like that when I worked for ICI/dulux, turn up at 6am with a 10am, they’d let us in and we’d ask if we could bang the deliveries in early, we’d have 3 loads a day each in there, great bunch at Worksop would always sort us out.