Has anyone got idea of wages and shift patterns at B.O.C,thinking of applying
BOC where, doing what?
BOC has many different contracts, so some info on which area/arena may help- I can say having a mate who works direct for them out of Teessport on tanks, he says its the easiest job he has ever had, never pushed, never has an issue with the trucks/trailers and while I don’t know the exact figures he reckons he is top end money for the area. I know the firm he left to go there too, and they are not bad payers either…
down in the midlands some full time class 2 bottle guys are earning 35-40k
down in the midlands some full time class 2 bottle guys are earning 35-40k
hard graft though today i handballed 26ton off bottles ie 700 bottles in total
Has anyone got idea of wages and shift patterns at B.O.C,thinking of applying
Where you based pal ?
id love to get with this company, past 6 years i’ve been working for flogas, low wages, lots of drops, no appreciation and the list goes on. I deliver to boc sites and every single staff member tells me the wages are really good and they dont mind the job
id love to get with this company, past 6 years i’ve been working for flogas, low wages, lots of drops, no appreciation and the list goes on. I deliver to boc sites and every single staff member tells me the wages are really good and they dont mind the job
You’re probably talking to the Plant boys. The tanker drivers will tell you different. I did 20yrs on it before getting out.
Sorry for the basic info, it would be out of Rotherham on tanks (artic), thru agency to start
Does BOC still own Gist?
BOC is just a trading name. They sold out to Linde…(Germans) several years ago and it’s gone downhill since. They got rid of all the old management who knew the job and bought in a load of 3rd party logistics muppets who thought we carried boxes of Cornflakes around. Good job buggered up by idiots.
Linde also own Gist.
You may start on agency and most probably stay that way. Speak to Pertemps about the rates but you won’t get the same rate of pay we got because BOC used the Swedish Derogation to avoid paying it. There was a new pay rate introduced for full time drivers which again was less than ours and you would receive yearly increments subject to a list of things. If you passed every year it would take at least 5 years before you are on full rate. Since this was introduced tbough they haven’t employed new drivers. Their plan is to ■■■■ off existing drivers into leaving or nitpicking the least little thing so they can sack them. Once they acheive this, rates will be no better than anywhere else.
They got rid of all the old management who knew the job and bought in a load of 3rd party logistics muppets who ought we carried boxes of Cornflakes around. Good job buggered up by idiots.
However you’ve still got the same higher management so how can you possibly blame a 3rd party for this situation your in at the moment and call them idiots ■■
The gas man:
They got rid of all the old management who knew the job and bought in a load of 3rd party logistics muppets who ought we carried boxes of Cornflakes around. Good job buggered up by idiots.However you’ve still got the same higher management so how can you possibly blame a 3rd party for this situation your in at the moment and call them idiots ■■
You have not got the same higher management. The higher management now are Linde. Germans. Any senior UK management left in the organisation are acting under instruction from Germany.
How can I call them idiots■■? Because I sat at the same negotiating table opposite these “idiots” and they didn’t have a clue. One example being a senior manager they bought in as a national transport manager who only had previous experience in 3rd party logistics, initially not being aware we aware under ADR Regs until we highlighted the fact.
Another was management doing site visits to hospitals where we delivered Oxygen. These were established rigid drops due to access difficulties.The “idiots” would turn up in their cars and because they could access the tanks in their Audi’s then we could get a 44 ton artic in there no problem. So they get rid of the rigid fleet, we can’t get into all hospitals so there’s then a panic then to get CES involved extending pipework / moving tanks etc.
Idiots? Yes idiots. Full of self importance that they just had to interfere with these which worked well for years under the old BOC.
Who do these idiots work for ?
Boc or tdg/nobby’s
Thought nobby’s only did the trunking
The gas man:
Who do these idiots work for ?
Boc or tdg/nobby’sThought nobby’s only did the trunking
Coyne do there tanker work nobbys do there trunk work as said I do hospitals with gas but not for boc the places are a nightmare to get in and out
The gas man:
Who do these idiots work for ?
Boc or tdg/nobby’sThought nobby’s only did the trunking
Don’t start me on the trunking, that’s another ■■■■ up that backfired on them. Don’t know who does it now, Nobby may do it but when I was there they were getting any contractor they could then had so many accidents they’d get rid of one mob to bring in another.
I had nothing to do with the contracted out side of the business, that was mainly cylinders. I was on bulk tankers and our management were Linde under the BOC trading name. As previously stated, the majority of BOC management who grew with the business and knew it like the back of their hands became surplus to requirements on the sell off and the Germans bought in idiots who didn’t know the business like their predecessors.
The reality is that BOC is just a trading name retained by the Germans because British Oxygen Company was over 100 years old when it was sold to the much smaller Linde Group with massive funding from Deutsche Bank and several others . The Germans decided to keep the name BOC (in name only) going for fear of losing custom.
If you cast your mind back a few years you may remember that BMW had a new CEO and workers at the Cowley plant had reductions their working week, three / four day weeks. Employees were stood down with no pay for those days which resulted in huge numbers jacking in and being replaced by agency workers. That CEO was called Wolfgang Reitzle. After doing his deed at BMW he then became the CEO of Linde and then in 2006, Linde bought the BOC Group. The comical thing about his setup was that he thought the same restriction of work would work the same with us. So with this in mind, they moved work around the country resulting in certain branches not having enough work for the drivers so we would be stood down. What they didn’t realise was that we were salaried for so many hours per year and under our agreement if we were stood down by the company the hours were still credited to us and our money remained untouched. So try as they might to do their BMW trick on us, we were quite happy to be stood down!
Reitzle has since retired and a new guy took over in May last year.
The gas man:
Who do these idiots work for ?
Boc or tdg/nobby’sThought nobby’s only did the trunking
Coyne do there tanker work nobbys do there trunk work as said I do hospitals with gas but not for boc the places are a nightmare to get in and out
Coyne do their tank containers not bulk gas tanker deliveries, that’s still done by in-house drivers.
You must of left some years back then as tdg/nobby’ shave been trunking for some years now so they must be doing something right to be honest
The gas man:
You must of left some years back then as tdg/nobby’ shave been trunking for some years now so they must be doing something right to be honest
I left nearly three years ago and I seem to recall TDG being involved then. It seems they may have sorted out the trunk operation which was originally done in house. They were the soft, easy targets to get attacked first. Then again the actions of the drivers and the strokes they used to play gave the company an easy decision to contract out.
After that they started to concentrate on the bulk side of the business which I was on but they’ve met a lot of resistance along the way. The drivers around the country stuck together but they’re gradually getting worn down. Now the lads have to watch their backs all the time as there’s always some management bod out on the road trying to catch them out and always some new “do this and not that” directive comes out. Disciplinaries are on the rise and talking to the lads still there on the tankers they say it’s getting worse and morale is the lowest it’s ever been…
For their sakes let hope they stick together but as usual the inevitable will happen in the end I suppose