AWF recently advertised in the truck stop paper for class 1 drivers in NZ, has anyone had any experience of this company, applied for the positions or even worked in NZ, seems to good to be true?
I applied a month ago, not heard anything since. There is an age limit on the visa and you can’t take wife and kiddies with you on it. NZ is a great country to live and work in
I briefly worked for Weatherell transport in Christchurch and a machinery transport company in Auckland a couple of years ago. I did a couple of diaries on here if you care to do a search. The government are set to remove “truck driver” from the immediate skills shortage list in February although NZ hauliers are trying to resist such a move. It’s not cheap to move there so be sure that everything is bona fide on the immigration issue before you contemplate the move. Can’t beat NZ people but the place left me feeling underwhelmed, I thought something really exciting or interesting was going to happen at any minute but it never did… I can’t say anything bad about the place but it just didn’t do it for me.
Truck Driver is still on the essential skills list, even though i’m well over 50 I applied and have been offered a years contract on a work visa- No dependents here and no ties, good references. The visa application alone is enough to put people off (£200), solicitor to sign copies, and numerous phone calls to immigration (£1 a minute). you can get someone to do it for you but that’s up to £500!!
The pay offered in$21 per hour…=£10.50 so it’s not for the money i’m trying it-had enough of British winters-wish me luck
Truck Driver is still on the essential skills list, even though i’m well over 50 I applied and have been offered a years contract on a work visa- No dependents here and no ties, good references. The visa application alone is enough to put people off (£200), solicitor to sign copies, and numerous phone calls to immigration (£1 a minute). you can get someone to do it for you but that’s up to £500!!
The pay offered in$21 per hour…=£10.50 so it’s not for the money i’m trying it-had enough of British winters-wish me luck
Hate to tell you this mate but it’s exactly the same. It can even go from a warm sunny day to blizzard.
Truck Driver is still on the essential skills list, even though i’m well over 50 I applied and have been offered a years contract on a work visa- No dependents here and no ties, good references. The visa application alone is enough to put people off (£200), solicitor to sign copies, and numerous phone calls to immigration (£1 a minute). you can get someone to do it for you but that’s up to £500!!
The pay offered in$21 per hour…=£10.50 so it’s not for the money i’m trying it-had enough of British winters-wish me luck
Good luck pal.I was in Dunedin many moons ago and drove for a few companies there.The last being The Otago Hospital Board on Class 2 work.Great job/country/people that might have changed now.By the way,a South Island winter was pretty ■■■■ cold !
I worked in New Zealand in the latter part of 2011, Not long after the earthquakes. If my memory serves me correctly awf are an agency but not 100 pecent sure.
The kiwi haulage industry is similar to that of the uk, long hours and low pay.
The last company I worked for was Move logistics in the suburb of hornby in Christchurch could give them a try.
Also as mentioned the kiwi winters can be very harsh every bit ss cold as Blighty.
The cost of living is surprisingly expensive especially food shopping.
Hope the search goes well. Oh you may already know of this but try great site for job searches in N.Z.
Enjoy the logbooks no tachos or digicards.
Thank you for your replies on NZ…hmm I was under the impression that it was all shorts and sunglasses!! And they don’t work weekends!
AWF = allied work force, Its an agency. look on click on jobs and region. They advertise in every region of nz. While i lived over there one of our pom drivers was with them before he came to us and said that they used nz drivers first as they had to keep the natives happy then use pommy /indian workforce after that. Maybee it was just the region i was in but treated like a second class citicen aint no good.