AW Jenkinson - Scotland


I had last week on holiday & got paid £0 , that’s what I’ve been paid for the last 3/4 whilst on holiday £0

Is that because you didn’t ask your agency for your holiday pay? They’re not mind-readers, if you don’t ask, you don’t get.

I’ve never got paid holiday whilst on agency , yes I have asked the question more than once , at different agencies , the answer Is always the same , it’s ■■■■■■■ in your hourly rate
Apparently it’s illegal , or I’m so I’m told , but still continues , which is my point , what’s eu law doing about it , not a lot from where I’m sat


the maoster:

Just remember everything but basic pay disappears if you have a week off so that wont be near £800 anymore.

Close but no cigar. Yes I’ll grant that your expenses will disappear but anything that is taxable will count towards average earnings for holiday purposes.

If for example your basic was £500 p/ but overtime and bonuses took it up to £800 p/w all year long then £800 p/w is what you’ll receive as holiday pay.

From this time next year most eu laws will be gone ,one of which will be a right to any holiday pay never mind average holiday pay, another benefit of Brexit

you might wantto read this… … y_Act_1938 if you cant work it out from the link. I think what your alluring to is the act that gave agency workers the same rights as employed staff and like many of the people that are anti brexit you assume that any law made since 1990 aprox is todowith the eu. Which ironicaly is the reason the rest of us wanted toleave. because we didnt want a bunch of unelected burocrats dictating how we should live.


I had last week on holiday & got paid £0 , that’s what I’ve been paid for the last 3/4 whilst on holiday £0

Is that because you didn’t ask your agency for your holiday pay? They’re not mind-readers, if you don’t ask, you don’t get.

you beat me to it either that or he had requested it all the week before

we didnt want a bunch of unelected burocrats dictating how we should live

You mean 18 yr old with spotty face on the 18th floor Who can not drive telling us what to do :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:



I had last week on holiday & got paid £0 , that’s what I’ve been paid for the last 3/4 whilst on holiday £0

Is that because you didn’t ask your agency for your holiday pay? They’re not mind-readers, if you don’t ask, you don’t get.

you beat me to it either that or he had requested it all the week before

I requested it months ago , it makes no difference what I do , they don’t pay holiday pay , I put £100 of my weekly wage away to cover holidays
I’ve been told it’s illegal , but plenty of sgencies continue to do it , so as I say what are eu laws doing about it , 0!




Expect around £800 pw including nights out.

Night out money is not wages. I wish people would stop including it when they talk about pay.

But the op specifically asked what would you expect to get in your pay packet at the end of the week tramping for them?

So the poster above took his time to write a very helpful reply and answered his question.

Whereas you offered nothing helpful whatsoever. Well done!

It’s irrelevant what he was asked , he gets £800 pw in his wage packet , it’s his money to spend on what he wants , it doesn’t state on any pay slip I’ve ever seen what you can spend night out money / meal allowance / fuel bonus on / it just says net £800 , so never mind what this lot say , he’s got paid £800 & he can do what he likes with it , it’s his wage
It’s a [zb] joke , he’s got £800 in his pay packet , and there saying no he’s only got £700 , mind boggling ,


£100 or so of that £800 is to “live” in a tin can all week so not wages as such!!!

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It’s irrelevant what he was asked , he gets £800 pw in his wage packet , it’s his money to spend on what he wants , it doesn’t state on any pay slip I’ve ever seen what you can spend night out money / meal allowance / fuel bonus on / it just says net £800 , so never mind what this lot say , he’s got paid £800 & he can do what he likes with it , it’s his wage
It’s a [zb] joke , he’s got £800 in his pay packet , and there saying no he’s only got £700 , mind boggling ,

doze mate, it’s you who doesn’t get it.
Nobody is disputing it’s YOUR money to do wtf you want with it, housekeeping, years supply of smarties, or whiskey and whores.
Thing is whether you like it or not it’s expenses, it’s subsidence.
The point I was making (as an idiot, cheers for that btw :laughing: ) is that firms deliberately add POTENTIAL (and maximum :bulb:) expenses trying to pass them off as wages to make a job more attractive,.and even as a ‘selling point’…don’t fall into their trap.

So then you get the teararse, maxing out , 5 nights out a week crew boasting about their ‘good money’ ( although 9 times out of 10 these clowns only turn their crap hourly rate into what they see as ‘good money’ because they work every ■■■■ hour they possibly can,.) they include their expenses forgetting they have been away from home 5 days out of their 7 to get them, and a good proportion, ie exs, depends on that ‘good money’.

Anyway…But back to the point…

So you start your new job first week collect your 800 notes, everybody.s happy.
Then next week, or a week or two after,.when you are just used to that 800 as your ‘wage’, lo and behold…no nights out, things are deathly quiet, you are home every night…
So do you get your 5 nights out in your attractive WAGE?..

Do you ■■■■, because the 800 you were ‘promised’ in the advert includes POTENTIAL exs. :bulb:

Subsistence originates from the days of getting subsidised, (or even fully reimbursed) for getting digs, you either got your digs, or cabbed it over the engine cover,or in summer under the sheet and kept your expenses, then sleeper cabs came over here and the job changed.

You like me are old enough to remember when we got paid cash, in those days my night out money cash was my pocket money,.the rest was for housekeeping etc, but with the advent of direct payment through BACS and where we now use debit cards, it all goes in the same pot,.and I draw pocket money as and when, like everyone else.
But 80 ish quid of that is STILL my 3 nights out EXS…but to do what I want with it.

So as I said,.all gets paid to you, you can call it or consider it what you like… but technically, even literally it AINT your wage. :bulb:
Hope that explains the view of ‘‘an idiot’’ :laughing:

Then next week, or a week or two after,.when you are just used to that 800 as your ‘wage’, lo and behold…no nights out, things are deathly quiet, you are home every night…
So do you get your 5 nights out in your attractive WAGE?..

Exactly, it is so easy to fall into the trap of thinking your wages are just wages whatever it is made up from. I always deduct the bonus and expenses from the wages and divide that to get your hourly rate, all of the sudden that wage isnt so great after all. Using high figures as an advertised rate is misleading but you tend to look at what hits your bank which is fine so long as this continues regardless of nights out and inclusions of bonus payment when this cannot be achieved.



the maoster:

Just remember everything but basic pay disappears if you have a week off so that wont be near £800 anymore.

Close but no cigar. Yes I’ll grant that your expenses will disappear but anything that is taxable will count towards average earnings for holiday purposes.

If for example your basic was £500 p/ but overtime and bonuses took it up to £800 p/w all year long then £800 p/w is what you’ll receive as holiday pay.

From this time next year most eu laws will be gone ,one of which will be a right to any holiday pay never mind average holiday pay, another benefit of Brexit

No holiday pay because of brexit? Got a link to that one please :open_mouth:



the maoster:

Just remember everything but basic pay disappears if you have a week off so that wont be near £800 anymore.

Close but no cigar. Yes I’ll grant that your expenses will disappear but anything that is taxable will count towards average earnings for holiday purposes.

If for example your basic was £500 p/ but overtime and bonuses took it up to £800 p/w all year long then £800 p/w is what you’ll receive as holiday pay.

From this time next year most eu laws will be gone ,one of which will be a right to any holiday pay never mind average holiday pay, another benefit of Brexit

you might wantto read this… … y_Act_1938 if you cant work it out from the link. I think what your alluring to is the act that gave agency workers the same rights as employed staff and like many of the people that are anti brexit you assume that any law made since 1990 aprox is todowith the eu. Which ironicaly is the reason the rest of us wanted toleave. because we didnt want a bunch of unelected burocrats dictating how we should live.

Google eu reform Bill,set to become uk law January 2024

Is it walking floor or chipliner? Hours can be long, but it varies. Some weeks I max every day, others it’s 10-12hrs a day. Pay structure is just about unfathomable. Even drivers who have been here 15+ years don’t understand it. Basic salary plus meal allowance, fuel bonus, attendance bonus and nights out. Bank Holidays are working days so 28 days holiday, but no issue booking them off if you prefer. Hourly rate paid on top of salary fir bank holiday working. Like many places your planner is either the making or breaking of the job. Been with them 2 years now and not leaving anytime soon. Expect around £800 pw including nights out.

Sent from my SM-A526B using Tapatalk

Highlighted bit in red is the one that alarms me most, a driver basically normalising the fact that 13 and 15 hour days are just accepted as par for the course and almost implying that 10-12 hours are a bonus in this particular job. Sorry, but 13 and 15 hour working days should solely be there as a cushion/buffer for a driver who has maybe been caught up in an accident or long delay and needs the time to get back to base or park up for the night - not be planned for a run/day/night of that length simply because the drivers working hours allow it.


Is it walking floor or chipliner? Hours can be long, but it varies. Some weeks I max every day, others it’s 10-12hrs a day. Pay structure is just about unfathomable. Even drivers who have been here 15+ years don’t understand it. Basic salary plus meal allowance, fuel bonus, attendance bonus and nights out. Bank Holidays are working days so 28 days holiday, but no issue booking them off if you prefer. Hourly rate paid on top of salary fir bank holiday working. Like many places your planner is either the making or breaking of the job. Been with them 2 years now and not leaving anytime soon. Expect around £800 pw including nights out.

Sent from my SM-A526B using Tapatalk

Highlighted bit in red is the one that alarms me most, a driver basically normalising the fact that 13 and 15 hour days are just accepted as par for the course and almost implying that 10-12 hours are a bonus in this particular job. Sorry, but 13 and 15 hour working days should solely be there as a cushion/buffer for a driver who has maybe been caught up in an accident or long delay and needs the time to get back to base or park up for the night - not be planned for a run/day/night of that length simply because the drivers working hours allow it.

I agree, but it’s the old adage among drivers today…
‘You can’t educate pork’'. : :bulb:
Not referring to o/p btw., as I don’t know him,…but I do know a LOT. :unamused:

The point of high wages again, the wages are high in any low paid job if you work 15 hrs a day. Its ridiculous to max hours out to earn a decent wage.
Whatever happened to the well paid jobs where an 8 hour day was normal.

Yorkshire Tramper:
The point of high wages again, the wages are high in any low paid job if you work 15 hrs a day. Its ridiculous to max hours out to earn a decent wage.
Whatever happened to the well paid jobs where an 8 hour day was normal.

you still on the buses? hows that now? youv been there a while uv stopped on twitter??

you still on the buses? hows that now? youv been there a while uv stopped on twitter??

yes still on them mate, havent been posting on twitter as just been doing day trips and school runs along with rail replacement stuff which is pretty much mundane as far as twitter feeds go.