Avoiding Work

Because he from the Employment Service (jobcentre+) would not be considered fit to work, a 56-year-old has cut off on Monday in Mitterlabill (District Feldbach) with a saw his the left foot. The foot, he threw into a Oven. The man in mortal danger.
Monday morning he would have had an appointment for a health inspection at the Jobcentre Feldbach - he would presumably have been classified as fit to work, what the man did not. To get around the deadline, he opted for an incredible fact.
Saw set above the ankle
Unwilling to work: the man cut off the left foot
Against 6.00 clock in the boiler room of his house, he prepared a so-called cut-off saw - an electrically powered saw with a rotating blade, which is often used for cutting wood pieces. These he placed on two chairs. He mounted the switch with a cable tie and removed the protective device. According to police, he must be kept in a standing position, his left leg to have the rotating blade. Just above the ankle, he sat down at the blade and cut off his left foot.
Severed foot cast into the Oven
To ensure that the leg and can not be sewn on, he threw his foot in an oven. Then he dragged himself into the garage and dialed the emergency number - according to the police have had this incredible pain, the man, because he had been hardly intelligible sounds.
Due to the high blood loss, the man floated upon the arrival of the rescue helicopter in grave danger - he was immediately brought to the surgery of the Graz Regional Hospital and emergency surgery. According to information from the doctors he is an artificial deep sleep, the danger is not averted.

Translated by Google

Sorry am I missing something here?

3 Feathers Haulage

3 Feathers Haulage:
Sorry am I missing something here?

3 Feathers Haulage

Not when ‘immigrant’ is posting :wink:

Bloke has used an electric saw to chop off his left leg above the ankle, just so he is ‘unfit for work’ when going for interview at the JC mentioned.

Note to immigrant : I can manage it in one line. How come you have to write 2 paragraphs of near non-intelligible trash just to give us a headache? :smiley:

Note to all the do-gooders… I know immigrant can write in perfectly presentable Queens English when he puts his mind to it, so I’m not unduly harassing him :bulb: