
dose any one no what happened to n61 emb as i have loads of memories in that truck with my dad squeeky

dose any one no what happened to n61 emb as i have loads of memories in that truck with my dad squeeky

It got Sold for Export. Brokno your Not John jr are you?



dose any one no what happened to n61 emb as i have loads of memories in that truck with my dad squeeky

It got Sold for Export. Brokno your Not John jr are you?

yes i am john jr squeekys son it would be nice to catch up wiv some peopla that nowe me back when my dad drove n61 emb
if you have facebook then add me facebook.com/#!/john.charnley be nice to chat

Was this after it was painted blue,can`t tell?



dose any one no what happened to n61 emb as i have loads of memories in that truck with my dad squeeky

It got Sold for Export. Brokno your Not John jr are you?

yes i am john jr squeekys son it would be nice to catch up wiv some peopla that nowe me back when my dad drove n61 emb
if you have facebook then add me facebook.com/#!/john.charnley be nice to chat

recall him chasing me round the bordeaux ring road and he done a wheel bearing :smiley:

Spit almost everone used to chase you…

I knew Squeak well from my days with Buzzer and before that when I was on for R&G… :sunglasses: :sunglasses: :sunglasses:

yh it was blue and silver in the pic and any 1 rember hiz son

Some good memories on this one. Very good friends of ours Mr and Mrs Scott (RIP) actually moved out to Gib / Jerez early 2000 ish (Dana sadly later lost her life in a bad accident out there Marbella way IIRC) and some other names that have either worked for George directly or indirectly, that I know of are Mark Bolton (who now drives for Great Bear I think) Ian Baguley (who I lost contact with after I left Irlams) Paul Cooper (last known driving for Morrisons) Paul Kenyon (I think went on for Matalan) there were loads of others. One funny story Baggers told me was Sqeaky and his mate were on their way back from Spain when, after exceeding the usual ever so slightly extended driving hours, they eventually parked up somewhere in France. The next morning, Squeakys mate rang the office in Warrington to let them know where they were up to and, who answered the phone but Squeaky!

Some good memories on this one. Very good friends of ours Mr and Mrs Scott (RIP) actually moved out to Gib / Jerez early 2000 ish (Dana sadly later lost her life in a bad accident out there Marbella way IIRC) and some other names that have either worked for George directly or indirectly, that I know of are Mark Bolton (who now drives for Great Bear I think) Ian Baguley (who I lost contact with after I left Irlams) Paul Cooper (last known driving for Morrisons) Paul Kenyon (I think went on for Matalan) there were loads of others. One funny story Baggers told me was Sqeaky and his mate were on their way back from Spain when, after exceeding the usual ever so slightly extended driving hours, they eventually parked up somewhere in France. The next morning, Squeakys mate rang the office in Warrington to let them know where they were up to and, who answered the phone but Squeaky!

I,m from Warrington and met George several time he had a lot to do with a guy called Barry ? who made pallets in Warrington then moved the op to Corby , Barry lived in the same village as me just outside Warrington , Were is George these days or Barry anyone know


Some good memories on this one. Very good friends of ours Mr and Mrs Scott (RIP) actually moved out to Gib / Jerez early 2000 ish (Dana sadly later lost her life in a bad accident out there Marbella way IIRC) and some other names that have either worked for George directly or indirectly, that I know of are Mark Bolton (who now drives for Great Bear I think) Ian Baguley (who I lost contact with after I left Irlams) Paul Cooper (last known driving for Morrisons) Paul Kenyon (I think went on for Matalan) there were loads of others. One funny story Baggers told me was Sqeaky and his mate were on their way back from Spain when, after exceeding the usual ever so slightly extended driving hours, they eventually parked up somewhere in France. The next morning, Squeakys mate rang the office in Warrington to let them know where they were up to and, who answered the phone but Squeaky!

I,m from Warrington and met George several time he had a lot to do with a guy called Barry ? who made pallets in Warrington then moved the op to Corby , Barry lived in the same village as me just outside Warrington , Were is George these days or Barry anyone know

George is now in st helens with his company trilout and like i sed squeaky is my dad as any 1 got pic of his motor

used to run gib myself, and reguarly ran into one of your drivers but cant remember his name,average sized lad,ginger hair and think he said he was married to one of the bosses daughters,very nice lad had quite a few session with him in the pickwick and radolfo’s,not sure but think his name might have been dave,anyone help, would love to have a chat with him. :unamused:

Ah avialink. The good old days. I worked there for eight years and have many good memories of it. I’m still in touch with a few of the lads who worked there and have some good photos of the trucks and the drivers. If any one is interested I will post them. Cheers and may the blue light never shine upon you.

dose any one no what happened to n61 emb as i have loads of memories in that truck with my dad squeeky

No idea where the motor is but I knew your dad back then. I remember him hitting the cows early in the morning on a one hitter to Cherbourg :laughing: :laughing: Also falling asleep and going airborne off a set of roadworks in Spain in it :laughing: :laughing:

Last time I saw him was about 2000 ish when he had a trailer blowout at the Castets junction. I helped him finish changing it and then we went to Le Souquet where he bought lunch. :grimacing:

He was a proper character, well known and liked by many of us drivers, routiers workers and Truckline staff (the dark haired lass at Trellieres northbound had real soft spot for him I seem to remember) Always good for the craic on a long one hitter. :blush:

Sorry to hear he passed away fella :cry:

K adams, did your dad have the 480 twinsteer low cab Merc on there ■■?


I bumped into one of my dads mates at the docks yesturday who worked at avialink. He seemed to be a bit miffed that I only put squeaky and soliderboys name on so heres a few more lads who worked for them

Dodgy Sandy from Whitehaven (king of the dodgy visa cards)

Last I heard from Soldier Mikes little bruv he’s crashing them for the mob who sub to Pilkington glass, brown motors, I forget the name :blush: but that would be about 5 years ago now.

don mac:
Ah avialink. The good old days. I worked there for eight years and have many good memories of it. I’m still in touch with a few of the lads who worked there and have some good photos of the trucks and the drivers. If any one is interested I will post them. Cheers and may the blue light never shine upon you.

:laughing: :laughing:
stick em up then



I bumped into one of my dads mates at the docks yesturday who worked at avialink. He seemed to be a bit miffed that I only put squeaky and soliderboys name on so heres a few more lads who worked for them

Dodgy Sandy from Whitehaven (king of the dodgy visa cards)

Last I heard from Soldier Mikes little bruv he’s crashing them for the mob who sub to Pilkington glass, brown motors, I forget the name :blush: but that would be about 5 years ago now.

Mike Turner (soilderboy) works for Whittackers out of Newton Le Willows now seen him in our yard last year

K adams, did your dad have the 480 twinsteer low cab Merc on there ■■?

Yeah he had both of them L985DRN 1st when he took his girlfriend with him and then L825EFR when I was with him