Just being curious. I wonder what the average age is of the truckers on this site? - I would not expect the Ladies to answer this :open_mouth: , not because I am sexist but because I am of the “old school” where a gent does not ask a lady her size or age.
I turned 49 this month :slight_smile: - well physically - the wife says I still have a mental age of three :wink:

I turned 38 last February.

23 and a half.

33, but most folks say I look about 45 :open_mouth:


  • I would not expect the Ladies to answer this :open_mouth: ,

Ladies :open_mouth: On here :open_mouth:

Where ■■? Who■■?

now where’s my passport

Well since I definately ain’t one, I’ll answer. 30 last November. :cry:



40 + VAT

51 this year

Seems like Coffee and I have something in common even if it’s not technical ability

Seems like Coffee and I have something in common even if it’s not technical ability

Or even maths ability, 40+17.5% = 47. :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :wink: :smiley: :smiley:

Well, as I’m only a part time trucker I’m not sure if it’s acceptable from me to answer to this question, but…

…23… :blush: :laughing:

29 for another 5 months to the day :cry:

45 last month :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth:

42 - born on Valentines Day and made for lovin :wink: :wink:

42 ish… :sunglasses:

32 until August

coffeholic 40 plus tax someone added 17% but surely you pay the higher rate of tax seeing as you earn from book sales :smiley:
me im a young 46

31 :sunglasses:(look older though :cry: ) 13 stone 7lb thinning hair on top,shave once a week,go to toilet around 10am,a house 2 cars a bike,missus and 2 kids.

just in case you want to know :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: