
Now this subject has probably been flogged to death,but I want to know how one gets/applies those cool little avatar type piccies to your profile? :confused:


At the bottom of your profile edit page there is a couple of boxes which allow you to upload your own Avatar or choose one from our gallery.

If you have problems PM me or e-mail me the picture you want and I will upload it for you :smiley:

Can’t find the gallery ones


Can’t find the gallery ones


OOOPP’s… have been working a lot over the last few days on the new USA board… and they have a gallery…
My Boo Boo :blush: :blush: :blush: :blush:

Wonder if this works

given up trying to technical for me :cry:



Anyone who wants an avatar, but doesn’t know how make one, I am willing to create one for you. Provided I don’t get inundated with requests.

PM me and I will give you my email address if you want to send me an image you like and I will give it the Lostpup treatment.

Lostpup, how do you get 18 wheels ? A 6x2 unit only has 8 and a standard tri-axle trailer has 6 = 14. :question: :smiley:

to get avatars

its width can be no greater than 80 pixels, the height no greater than 80 pixels, and the file size no more than 6 KB.

  1. go to the Profile tab on the top of the trucknet page

2 Scroll down your profile page till you get to the avatar part

then depending on where the picture you wish to use is located
A: your pc
B: on another website ( beware of copyright infringements) ( yeah rite lol)

If it is on your pc then
Press the Browse button (4 on the picture) and then locate the picture you wish using the choose file box

( just click on the folder it is in and then the file and press open )
then all that needs to be done is to press 5

Ok if picture is not on your pc and on another website then do as follows

go to the picture you wish to use
will use this one as demo purposes

then Right click the mouse on the picture to get this

and select properties
that will bring up this

then copy the text that is shown in the blue area on the picture
To copy hold the left mouse button down and drag the mouse cursor over the text ( TIP start at the HttP// end ) until it all turns blue.Then let go of the left button and press the right mouse button and select COPY from the menu.

Thats is the URL of the picture
so now you have two choices
You can either store that picture on Trucknets server or leave it on the website you found it
To Store on Trucknets
Paste the url into 2
To paste just left click the mouse cursor into the text area and then press the right mouse button and select PASTE from the menu that will paste what is stored in the clipboard

If you wish to leave the picture on the site you found it ( not recommended unless you own the site) then all you need to do is as above but paste it into area 3
then press button 5

Nice one Metalhead…that saved us a job or 10…

…only one small thing…it’s TruckNet with capitals… :wink:

Tin’at and flame-proof jacket applied and running like [zb]!!! :grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing:

Nice one Metalhead…that saved us a job or 10…

…only one small thing…it’s TruckNet with capitals… :wink:

Tin’at and flame-proof jacket applied and running like [zb]!!! :grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing:

ahem Its metalhead10 actually

heheh grumble grumble lol and no worries

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Excuse me…I seem to have wet my Tin 'at!!! :grimacing:

my dads to thick so i did it for him …from little innit :smiley: :smiley: :stuck_out_tongue: :smiley: :stuck_out_tongue: :smiling_imp: i dont no how he gets to work

Rob K:
Lostpup, how do you get 18 wheels ? A 6x2 unit only has 8 and a standard tri-axle trailer has 6 = 14. :question: :smiley:

I was driving a 6x2 with a quad-axle trailer on the day I made that, which is 16. Then there’s the 5th wheel, plus the steering wheel -18!! :smiley: :sunglasses:
OK, so I cheated a bit. :laughing: :unamused:

But then you forgot about the flywheel, all the pulley wheels, the gear wheels…