Avatar troubles

Anyone please tell me why I have a small red ‘X’ where my picture should be.
I’ve tried GIF and JPEG images but still nout when I update my profile :imp: .

From profile…

“Displays a small graphic image below your details in posts. Only one image can be displayed at a time, its width can be no greater than 80 pixels, the height no greater than 80 pixels, and the file size no more than 9 KB.”

First make sure your avatar falls within those requirements.

Second, are you linking to a gif or jpg that is already on the net or are you uploading one from your machine, if you are linking to one on the net make sure you have the correct adress.
A common thing is people try to link to a picture that is on there computer, ie in the adress bar you have C:windows/mydocuments/pictures/■■■■■.jpg or something like that, and its trying to link to something that is on your PC, and its needs to be “upped” to the t’internet.

Done it, cheers mate :smiley: :smiley: