Austria Daytime Lighting

From the 15th of November 2005 all vehicles must be driven with headlights switched on at all times.

There will be a transitional period until spring 2006, the exact date still to be set, after which fines will be imposed for non compliance with this regulation.

Ain’t we big enough to see, without our lights on then :question: :question:

Looks like another “tax” scam to me Niel.

Give it another couple of years Simon and it will be the law in most countries I think. The Scandinavian countries have had it for years, Italy introduced it on motorways and I’m sure there are a couple of other countries that have brought it in as well, can’t remember off hand.

At least it isn’t just trucks, it is all vehicles.

There was that many vehicles in Austria that had just come from/through Sloveinia (where it is also law) with their lights still on (i.e. forgot to turn them off) that the Austrians thought they jump on the bandwagon also!!..maybe :confused:

and I’m sure there are a couple of other countries that have brought it in as well, can’t remember off hand.

Hungary and Slovenia (as mentioned) require dipped headlights outside built-up areas.


and I’m sure there are a couple of other countries that have brought it in as well, can’t remember off hand.

Hungary and Slovenia (as mentioned) require dipped headlights outside built-up areas.

You would have thought I would have remembered Hungary, being that I was there not long ago. :blush: :blush: :blush:

Ain’t we big enough to see, without our lights on then :question: :question:

Truck is likely to be seen at day but using headlights really helps noticing a car. Lights make such contrast difference that car can be seen even on bright day from quite long distance which I consider as a good thing. When I’m overtaken (or I overtake someone) headlights give certain safety when you can clearly see how far oncoming car is. Also, when weather turns to such that headlights are needed, no one doesn’t forgot to put lights on. But still there are vehicles without lights or with only parking lights on…

When lights became mandatory here was big arguing about “blind peoples” who shouldn’t be driving if they can’t see a car without headlights. Now that headlights must be used all the time, no one isn’t complaining anymore and only downside is that you have to change bulbs more often.

when i was in ITALY a lot of vehicles ran with there lights on …apperently a similiar ruling is to happen there as well

It has already happened in Italy Hitch, begining of 2004 I think it was, headlights must be used on motorways.

In most of mainland Europe bikers have had to ride with dipped headlights on for years. I don’t mind as I have ridden with the dipped headlight on anyway. Although I do object to manufacturers removing the light switch so that I have no choice other than to ride with the headlight on. If you are riding with the sun directly behind you, then a headlight will make you less visible to someone in front of you as you merge into the light behind rather than being silhouetted against it. There are a lot of bikers out there who are not convinced that making all other vehicles run with dipped headlights on permanently is such a good idea. It does make bike less conspicuous as presently it tends to be only bikes and Volvo cars (possibly our most dangerous adversary) that have lights on. so the lit vehicle tends to stand out more. Just a thought that the legislators seem to have ignored.
Having said that the time I got knocked off was a bright sunny day, the headlight was on and I was wearing Hi-viz. I wanted to ask the car driver why they felt it necessary to pull out, but they did a ‘hit and run’ so I never got the chance to hear the immortal phrase; ‘sorry mate, didn’t see you!’ Sorry…rant over. :slight_smile:

Headlights here in Denmark must always be used, agreed for a truck its possibly not really needed, but helps spot a wandering car. When you cross the border into Germany you do notice or not the traffic when pulling out to overtake. When the engine is turned on the lights come on automaticaly on all our trucks and my car. I have had some funny looks driving through Bradford in belting sunshire with my Danish car with its headlights ablaze. I would say on the whole its a good thing to run with lights on all the time.

I would say on the whole its a good thing to run with lights on all the time.

Sorry mate, but I have to disagree with you there.

If you can’t see a truck in daylight without its headlights on, you shouldn’t be on the road at all. (This isn’t directed at you personally Drew, unless you can’t see a truck without its headlights on :unamused: :unamused: :smiley: :smiley: ).

As a biker myself, I’m with GeeBee45 on this.
Some vehicles with there headlights on stand out. If every vehicle has its headlights on, none of them stand out and simply merge into the background of lights. To my mind, that makes the whole exercise pointless.


Ain’t we big enough to see, without our lights on then :question: :question:

When lights became mandatory here was big arguing about “blind peoples” who shouldn’t be driving if they can’t see a car without headlights.

Day after I wrote what happened here and same is already happening there:

If you can’t see a truck in daylight without its headlights on, you shouldn’t be on the road at all.

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Seriously, when there is “heavy traffic” (like motorway in a rush hour) it really doesn’t matter if lights are on or not as you are already looking for other traffic but when traffic density becomes lower, headlights began to help. Cars don’t suprise you so easily when you ,for example, are adjusting radio or looking map and not paying full attention to your surroundings. Also, you notice them more easily from mirrors.

Many bikers over here have begun to use high beam on the daytime becouse they think that they aren’t seen well enough. I think it’s not just that headlights would have suffered “inflation” but people just aren’ät watching their mirrors enough…

And I agree with Simon that truck should be noticed even without headlights on.

i didnt see that neil had done the Italy thing :blush:

There are bits of France where you have to drive with headlights on, I think that this will become compulsory all over

If I remember the stretch between Bordeaux and Espana through the forest is one of them

Over here all vehicles that are sold have “daytime running lights”. The lights turn on automatically when you switch the ingnition on.
This has been the law, I think, since the early 90’s
I helps a lot, especially in muggy weather, rain, fog etc. Occasionally there’s a US car or a truck on the road that doesn’t have this feature and the difference is immediately noticable.

Probably because you have long, straight, sparsely populated roads, Caravan.
Exactly the kind of conditions that I agreed with in SW France, but it can’t always be foggy, rainy and muggy, can it? :open_mouth:

Salut, David.

i’m with the bikers on this one even though i don’t ride a bike at the moment.
if all vehicles travel with headlights on all the time then people get used to seeing headlights coming up the road, at the moment most people know that if they see headlights coming up the road in the daytime it will more than likely be a biker and they act cautiously as they don’t know what speed the bike is travelling at and most are unable to estimate a bikes distance accurately.

they don’t know what speed the bike is travelling at and most are unable to estimate a bikes distance accurately.

Or what the crazy sods’ll do next. :open_mouth:

Salut, David.


they don’t know what speed the bike is travelling at and most are unable to estimate a bikes distance accurately.

Or what the crazy sods’ll do next. :open_mouth:

Salut, David.

Oi, I take that personally David, being as I’m a crazy sod of a biker as well as being a crazy sod of a trucker :unamused: :unamused: . (No hope for me, clearly :laughing: ).