Attn Buycrider

Seeing as I cant use PM’s

Thought I would let you know that after our chat earlier this year about about the dogs.

Bryn lost his fight tonight, I too had to give the vet ‘the nod’…

Thanks for the chat in January, it has given me some strength at this sad time…

At last. I thought I,d have a look on here to see where you had been banished to, you naughty trucker you. :unamused: :unamused: What do yer get fed on when you are on pre-mod?? Bread and Water?? :wink: :wink: I,m going to have a scout about to find out what you did to get put on a fizzer yer bad lad yer Simon. :open_mouth: :open_mouth:
I have sent a pm via tff, who I have thanked for being your postman. I look at it this way, If a murderer can send sperm donations out of the nick via a third party, you can send pm,s via a mutual mucker. RIP Top Dog Bryn. As Rudyard Kipling,(1865-1936), so rightly said, when he lost his Best Pal. " I have done mostly what most men do, And put it out of my mind;But I cannot forget, if I wanted to,Four -Feet trotting behind." Too true Rudyard.

I,ve just read Rikki,s edit. Have you been calling folk names Coddy. No wonder your getting pre-mod-ed.You are a Monkeys Uncle Coddy. It serves yer right.

LOL, mate.

Just some of the mods on here dont like the truth…

Those of us on pre mod, just laugh at the antics on here, will e mail you details of a decent forum… :laughing: