Athol Addison

I have been told that Athol Addison passed away in his truck last weekend, whilst waiting to load.
Athol was a sub contactor for Davies Turner for many years running groupage to the middle east. He had a scania 140 unit before buying a 142 road train, so that he could take extra deliveries on two carnets to the middle east. He later ran to turkey and greece. he also ran an ex dutch air freight 141 until its demise in ireland. he sub contracted for eurogate running to uzbekistan and russia in the nineties, and latterly was running to spain with a magnum on fridge work.
He was well known and always had a glint in his eye and one of his sayings was “Keep her lit”. R.I.P. Athol.

my condolences… :frowning:

sad to hear that Athol has passed on, last seen him in Kazackstan.
We certainly are a dying breed.
RIP Athol.

I’m sorry to hear about Athol.RIP

I remember reading an interesting article on him in TRUCK magazine in the 80s. He had ordered that high spec Scania wagon and drag that M&C jamie has just mentioned, I think it may have been one of the LDDs, not sure. I think he was running it to Isreal, dropping the trailer off there after tipping then carrying on to Saudi or somewhere with the front half…something to do with more flexibility for loading or something!!

Sounds abit odd somehow so im sure i`ve got it wrong, maybe one of the ex M\E lads on here who knew him could put me right!!

Seems that he was one of the old school, proper, original “long distance” truck (owner) drivers!!

Hi Bullit, one of the reasons that Athol bought the 142 road train, was so that he could do more international deliveries. There was/is a limit of either three or four customs clearances that can be done on one TIR carnet. So by having a road train he could have two TIR carnets, allowing him to double up on his deliveries to several countries. The complete rig cost around 52k, which was a lot of money in 83. Considering that a top of the range tractor unit was about 20k. He wanted it on an A plate but for some reason they would only give him a Q plate. The multi drop work to the middle east went quiet not long after he bought it. It was mainly used on work to greece and turkey. regards Jamie.

A Scot lost in the Valley’s

Cheers for that Jamie…like I said, I remember the article, was it really 1983!!! :open_mouth: :open_mouth: 25 years ago!!

Where has the time gone?

sad to hear about atholl met him years ago when he worked for a scotch firm on the meat (Catto’s) and then never saw him for years as is the case unfortunatly then met up again and spent the w/e at Furth im Wald,a real character will be sadly missed

Oh dear sad to hear of the death of Athol ,the last three or four years he has been on the fish with us so i have been with him quite a bit.
He was a quiet man until you got him going then when he got talking he had some crack about the old middle east days.
When i did my first m/e trip i ran with him and he kept me right so Athol

Keep her lit

And R.I.P.

Very sorry to hear about Athol, although I only ran with him once, I can remember seeing his wagon and drag on many occasions going in the opposite direction. If it was safe to park he would always stop and have a quick chat and let you know what the queue was like at the next border.
Although that was in the 80’s, I am sure that his latest colleagues will miss him very much. I am sure that he had a very interesting life.
Rest In Peace Athol.

Very sorry to hear about Athol.

Heres a few pics of his truck.
His 141 was: Q916 GBB

His 142 was: VSA 227X

Then strangely it changed to: Q39 DRS

And here is the article featured in Truck Magazine May 1983


Heres another piccy of Athols truck, sports a new paint job and high roof, and pulls caravan style drawbar trailer.

Photo taken in Thurrock Services Aug/sept 2000.

Ash, The Green and Orange version was taken at the Esso garage on the A2 London bound around 96/97


Trucker Ash…cheers for posting the pics and the article from Truck magazine. Cant beleive it was 25 years ago when i last read it!! :open_mouth:


Heres another piccy of Athols truck, sports a new paint job and high roof, and pulls caravan style drawbar trailer.
Photo taken in Thurrock Services Aug/sept 2000. Ron

Ron: Im pretty sure someone told me, he’d sold it on by this time and it was being driven by a pair of Eastern Europeans…cant remember who told me though…

Not seen him for a while. I think the last time was about 10 years ago when him and Bob Westwell were in TTZ on way to France in an old MAN from Exel.


M&C Jamie:
Hi Bullit, one of the reasons that Athol bought the 142 road train, was so that he could do more international deliveries. There was/is a limit of either three or four customs clearances that can be done on one TIR carnet. So by having a road train he could have two TIR carnets, allowing him to double up on his deliveries to several countries. The complete rig cost around 52k, which was a lot of money in 83. Considering that a top of the range tractor unit was about 20k. He wanted it on an A plate but for some reason they would only give him a Q plate. The multi drop work to the middle east went quiet not long after he bought it. It was mainly used on work to greece and turkey. regards Jamie.

Hi M&C Jamie
I am Athol’s youngest son Gary he will be sadly missed i was offshore when my dad died do you have anymore pics of my dads lorries i have photos of the 140 and the 142 when he going into dover

A Scot lost in the Valley’s

Condolences & Deepest Sympathy Gary Athol. :frowning:

It is good to know you can keep his name alive.

Many drivers will have crossed paths with your Dad in the good days. :slight_smile:


Heres another piccy of Athols truck, sports a new paint job and high roof, and pulls caravan style drawbar trailer.

Photo taken in Thurrock Services Aug/sept 2000.

Ash, The Green and Orange version was taken at the Esso garage on the A2 London bound around 96/97


:question: Hi Axorman this photo is does not look like my dads Q39-DRS I have a photo of the 142 h sorry wrong truck

I am Gary Athol Addison thanks for all who knew him keep the good memories does anyone have more photos off his lorries

Regards Gary

So sorry to hear about Athol, the last time I was in contact with him was when he bought my Ford Transcontinental. A great man, and a great loss to this world. R.I.P. Mate.