At last

I know this should probably go into the newbee forum but what the heck. I’ve finally got my Class One licence, I passed today in Grimsby on the first attempt and only got 3 minors, I’m absoluetly chuffed!!! :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

well done robin :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink:

Congratulations Robin :sunglasses:

Way to go, congratulations.

Well done :exclamation:
Where will you use the Licence now?

Thanks everyone.

fred Kanka:
Well done :exclamation:
Where will you use the Licence now?

Once I get my licence back I’ll go with my dad for a few weeks to get used to the real world (learn how to reverse properly). I’ll start with him on a run to Switzerland and then do a week or two in the UK with him if thats what he’s doing, or back to Swiss again if there’s any loads. After that I’ll either start at the same company as him as the boss has promised me a job, if not I’m sure I’ll find something somewhere. I’ve already had my agency trying to get me doing Class 1 work, but I want the experience with my dad first, the opperunity for me to go with him is there so its well worth taking.

Well done :smiley:

Congratulation Robin!!! Good Luck for Experience with Dad running to Swiss!!! :smiley:

Cheers Ben :sunglasses:

I’m sure a mod will move it at some point,but what the heck.

Well done that man. :smiley:


Well done! now then, get an artic job and pray for snow! :laughing: :laughing:

Well done mate :smiley:

Congratulations :smiley:

:smiley: Hooray and congratulations.

All the best for the future and happy trucking

Congratulations !!!

I’m sure a mod will move it at some point,but what the heck.

Why :question: :open_mouth: , he’s a professional driver, are you trying to say he’s not interactive? :laughing: . Sounds vaguely mucky to me :unamused: .

Well done that man. :smiley:

Seconded :slight_smile:

Salut, David.

Congratulations - now the fun starts :smiley:

Congratulations, bet its one of the best feeling in the world. :slight_smile: :sunglasses: :slight_smile:

Congratulations Robinhood isn’t it a great feeling.Good luck and regards derek