
Well, went out on a assessment drive today with a local but national company. Don’t think I’ll give the details who just yet as I know a few drivers are on here already.

So, I had the call yesterday and finagled the day off work to pop over for this thing. Got here early, daunted by the site but parked in the visitors area, donned the bright yellow stuff and got introduced to the guy. He uttered the magic words to get a suitable lorry ‘I need a unit, not a new one, an old one, that white Scania will do’ handed them, the keys, to me, took my docs and cards and pointed it out whilst he went into photostat my docs.

Tri axle Scania 04 plate, mid axle steering and a movable fifth wheel. However, it had a 3 over 3 gear change and it bullied me for the day. If it had been a regular four over four of which I’m used to, then I reckon it would have been better but there were numerous times during the assessment where I uttered bad words and just could not get it in the right gear. Despite that I didn’t speed, push it too fast, but likewise was always feeling I wasn’t keeping it in the green. He didn’t seem to mind though if I went in the yellow. Mirror checks, and making sure i kept the dangly thing off the kerbs even in the towns seemed OK. Follow through fazed me a few times and it’s something I need to remember to check, to remind myself I’ve got a 40ft beast behind me! He seemed pretty relaxed over it, even when I went over that speed bump a little fast. I over compensated on the next with it being slower but was a bit hesitant on some of the junctions. He did tell me ahead where there were problems with the road and also accepted and agreed that in the real world I’d find them for myself. We briefly discussed maps and satnavs, and he suggested I get a decent truck spec one and seemed pleased I already had that sorted…

It was supposed to be an hour assessment but due to a delay to find a trailer that was even loaded meant that it took about 2.5 hours all in.

Coped on the drive though, when I got into a little more. Pointed out that I’d been on auto’s and 5sp boxes a fair bit recently and I was sure if I was driving it more than once in a blue moon I’d get used to it.

Stuffed up the reverse but that was down to how I lined it up, I just didn’t engage my brain as much as I should have done but even so, the guy was pretty confident and even stated he had no problem with my driving skills, the gearboxes were there to confuse us mere mortals and I had already said I’d not driven one before. By the end of the drive I was a lot more confident on the gears though. He also said I should be reversing with my head out of the window than just on mirrors, I’d learn a ■■■■ sight faster!

Hitch up and drop was ok. Had to be reminded to remove the rear plate, after he’d not noticed we nearly left in the first place without fitting it :astonished: But I was in charge of the vehicle so should have remembered. Remembered the brakes, remembered the safety stuff and he talked me through a few other little things. Dropping it I nearly came a cropper but eventually got the bits apart as one should. Minor panic over, and suspension reset for the drive back to the parking area.

Initial checks are very important he said, must be done, company allows xyz amount of time so do them. We discussed a lot about the loads, the trailers, the configurations of them and everything and he was a very knowledgeable guy and a lot more down to earth and ‘regular driver’ than the one I had for Stobbies (which I stuffed up even worse!).

I did get the impression that I did well though, but now, hours later, aren’t sure. I’ve still got work with the agency and it’s all learning, right, experience of the chase, the practice at numerous vehicles. They run a mix bag fleet and don’t expect to get a regular wagon, it’ll be different every day, he says, and they do more these days of ‘nights out’ than full blown tramping, but it’s work and at a little over £8ph I can cope with that, even if it is 45m commute each way (30m if I push it).

So yeah, we’ll see.

Your assessor sounds like an decent sort who knows it can be a bit of a daunting experience,if you’re not used to it.
Good luck.

Well done on making a good impression.

Best of luck for a good outcome. :slight_smile:

Thanks James & Dean

It would be nice to have that sort of work. Getting racked off with the agencies again, was supposed to be on a class 2 all week, and instead they’ve put me on the 7.5t flatbed. Wouldn’t be so bad but the rate is £7.25 for 7.5 and £8 for class 2 :frowning:

Practice at using a net to secure the loads, but it’s old and knackered and on more than one occasion I have had to secure it down with ratchet straps because it’s not up to the job.

Still, it’s a sleeper so my lunchtime naps can be done in relative peace… Relatively late starts at 7am and then 12h out, would prefer to be on the road for 5 considering the places they’re sending me…

oh well. Hopefully this job will come about, I need a decent steady job. :unamused: :unamused: