Assessment saturday

Got Cat C assessment with Jim Shanks on saturday.Just wondered if anyone
has trained with him or knows much :question:

Got Cat C assessment with Jim Shanks on saturday.Just wondered if anyone
has trained with him or knows much :question:

If you put JIM AND SHANKS into the site search there are a few posts :smiley: :smiley:

Thanks :slight_smile: did that but its just his name being mentioned on posts nothing much about the actual guy himself and training,ah well i’ll find out on sat anyway

Got Cat C assessment with Jim Shanks on saturday.Just wondered if anyone
has trained with him or knows much :question:

EK - East Kilbride?? Isn`t Gala a wee bit far to travel to??!!?

My friend trained with him 3-4 years ago, 1 to 1, said he was a really good instructor. Majority of training B roads in and around Galashiels, pretty tight but he said it made him a better driver for it.

Thanks for the info colinb yeah it is abit of a travel but i’ll be staying over there for the training,heard he was good but just wanted to see if anyone had experience with him

cheers mate :slight_smile: