Got an assessment drive soon. What should I be expecting on it? Never driven a HGV before so I’m not sure how much they expect me to know.
I think they’ll expect you to know everything! I had one recently with Eddie Stobart’s and it was very formal. I had to do a walk-around, hook up, short drive and then reverse into a spot. Buggered most of it up due to, like you, having no experience
Very Funny.
I’m only planning on a Category C course so I hope the uncoupling of the trailer isn’t too difficult for a newbie like myself
Oh crap - sorry mate I mis understood your post. I thought you’d passed your test and was going for your first job!
If you’re looking to start learning then the assessment drive should be really easy. They won’t expect you to know anything other the stuff you should know as a car driver. Enjoy it!
Haha! No worries mate, re-reading I did explain it pretty poorly lol, I forgot there are assessment drives for courses and assessment drives for employees so can be a bit confusing!
It’s just I don’t know what they are hoping to asses in the 30-60 minutes as I’ve never done any of it before (hence why I’m booking the course lol)
They’ll just be looking at how you drive so they can determine how many lessons you’ll need! I’d been driving coaches for years so they didn’t even bother with one for me.
There’s really nothing to worry about and you don’t need to show off but if you wanted you could brush up on your Highway Code and when you’re driving just watch out for the kerbs
The instructor will show you and then talk you through everything as you are driving
Well pleased to say it went very well. The gearbox wasn’t as hard as I was expecting. Didn’t mount the kerb once (but came very close once or twice) and was generally better than I was expecting.
Was amazing to finally get behind the wheel after god knows how many years of waiting. before long I’ll be out there on my own