Assesment complete!

So i took the assesment drive this morning, first time in a lorry (cat c).

Enjoyable experience i got to grips with the gear changing no problems there, Told i need the minimum on the course no extra lessons needed.
Booked in for theory’s in a couple of weeks so will get into the books.

Done some mock tests on theory and hazard perception and passed with flying colors although struggled with a mock of the case study!

So hopefully soon it will be goodbye cat c prisons and hello cat c driving! :smiley: :smiley:

does anyone know where you can practice the case study online?


Oldboy NDF:
does anyone know where you can practice the case study online?


There is a module 2 link in the LGV TRAINING TIPS link in my signature below

Did you ask bout the price for mod 4 ?

no rog, must have been somone else.
thanks for the heads up on the case study ill take a look.


Oldboy NDF:
no rog, must have been somone else.
thanks for the heads up on the case study ill take a look.


You will need mod 4 if you need mod 2 so best to find out the price for mod 4 asap


I have got it all in place with L&T transport in west Yorkshire.

Im booked in to do my theory, hazard perception and case study on the 14th of november then the mod 4 after the driving course.

I just found the case study part of the theory day a little more testing than the mulitple choice and the hazard perception.


Oldboy NDF:

I have got it all in place with L&T transport in west Yorkshire.

Im booked in to do my theory, hazard perception and case study on the 14th of november then the mod 4 after the driving course.

I just found the case study part of the theory day a little more testing than the mulitple choice and the hazard perception.


Fair play to you- many forget the mod 4 if needed :smiley:

Oldboy NDF:
So hopefully soon it will be goodbye cat c prisons and hello cat c driving! :smiley: :smiley:

Pmsl …
Wait till you do Tesco and alike.
You’ll think you’ve gone from Porridge to
TENKO :wink:


Oldboy NDF:
So hopefully soon it will be goodbye cat c prisons and hello cat c driving! :smiley: :smiley:

Pmsl …
Wait till you do Tesco and alike.
You’ll think you’ve gone from Porridge to
TENKO :wink:


Guess i have got nothin more to say now every thing is sorted and my training going just fine, and lets hope i will pass my test tomarrow.

deleted by ROG

Hey rog can you please remove my comment from your reply post, as i have appologized for the miss conception in my post earlier Thx Rog.

How did you now rog?
Prolific offrnder of bring bad?

How did you now rog?
Prolific offrnder of bring bad?

Previous posts by yas4u mentioned them


i am reading lgv training tips will try them tomarrow on roundabouts and lets see hope fully i will overcome this herdle by the end of tomarrows lesson.

Oldboy NDF:
does anyone know where you can practice the case study online?


Take a look at my website then click on the theory link at the bottom of the homepage. Been told it’s excellent. Including multiple choice and case studies and HPT.

Cheers Paul

Good luck with the training Oldboy, I’ve got my medical with them on Saturday, it was supposed to be today but the doctor took ill :smiling_imp:

Can’t wait to get started :sunglasses: What are they like from your first impressions? Over the phone they seem pretty friendly just want to know what to expect when I turn up :slight_smile:


Jonny :sunglasses:

Oh dear not good when the doctor is poorly. Lol!