Asked back?

I was doing some agency over the last few weekends ( legal or not as i work in the week,BAD BOY), but the agency phoned me today and asked me to go back on the same contract again as they had specifically asked if i could drive for them.

Its a kind of heart warming feeling to know that you are actually wanted and for some unknown reason are doing something right, i have my appraisal next month in my day job, the crucial bit when i say how good i am and ask for a payrise, but its good to know that someone else wants me, the trouble is i dont really want to drive trucks again FULL time.

I read the posts on here daily and i find that the job never changes bosses wanting the last drop of sweat out of you, nowhere to park and when you find somewhere it`s your right arm to pay for it, food not fit for your dog , traffic queues as long as

So tell me if it doesn`t work out next month what is a good reason to go back trucking?, are there any?, I point blank refuse to do nights out just for the simple reason of not seeing my kids for a week or even a night.

So whats good about the job then?.

I am glad you asked the question Jammy!

I await the answers! :open_mouth:

I cannot give you any :cry:

I’m another agency driver thats always being asked for by name.
At the moment I’m with a company that runs dead straight, almost paranoid about safety, the slightest fualt with the truck, it’s in the workshop.
I ran over a scaffolding baseplate in the yard last week, punched a neat hole down to the steel core in a steer tyre, one of the lads spotted it as I was reversing into the shed, I possibly wouldn’t have noticed it once stopped as it would have been on the floor and out of sight, no questions asked, no comments, straight onto the tyre fitter for a new tyre first thing in the morning.
Broke the cruise control stalk off and couldn’t get a side marker light working, following night the trailer was in for inspection, so the unit took it in and was sorted overnight.
Two things stopping me taking a job there:

  1. 30 mile round trip each day.
  2. one of the other drivers is a right ignorant zobbit, thinks he knows better all the time.

I wouldn’t mind doing yard work while there are no deliveries or collections, I would see that as one of the quirks of the job.
The rest of the lads, including the office staff are a good bunch.

read the posts on here daily and i find that the job never changes bosses wanting the last drop of sweat out of you, nowhere to park and when you find somewhere it`s your right arm to pay for it, food not fit for your dog , traffic queues as long as

so why even do agency work if you hate the job that much :question:

i mean if you like the job your doing at the moment and it pays well ( according to you ) why do it :question: or is your job not paying as well as you say it is :exclamation:

Stay where you are Jammy.

The job is NOT like you describe it at all. it’s what you make it. :imp:

But if you ever go back into it with those set views, you’ll never be happy doing it :unamused: :unamused:


read the posts on here daily and i find that the job never changes bosses wanting the last drop of sweat out of you, nowhere to park and when you find somewhere it`s your right arm to pay for it, food not fit for your dog , traffic queues as long as

so why even do agency work if you hate the job that much :question:

i mean if you like the job your doing at the moment and it pays well ( according to you ) why do it :question: or is your job not paying as well as you say it is :exclamation:

Kitkat i never said i was in a high paid job i said i actually said i had taken a big pay cut in order to have a better family life, one of the reasons i was asking if you read the post was that i might not get the money i am going to ask for next month and was contemplating trucks again.

I only do agency work for a bit of extra cash at the weekends and also to keep my hand in.

Pat those are not neccesseraly my views you only have to read the posts on here to have that view!. I was also asking if anyone could enlighten me to what is good about the job has anything changed? or is it the same old excretia as always?.

HI Pat,the guys looking for an opinion,me I think that the live of of trucker theses days in UK is a load of crap ie where to park at night stroopy DC`s ,jams and long hours etc!!!I came back to the UK for a couple of weeks after living down here and it just gets worse,I was in the office of the agency I did a bit for and 99% of the people they employed where none UK nationals and just to throw salt to the £10 p/h dreamers the companies I was driving for had on the union notice drivers need £ 10p/h. :bulb: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue:

Kitkat i never said i was in a high paid job i said i actually said i had taken a big pay cut in order to have a better family life, one of the reasons i was asking if you read the post was that i might not get the money i am going to ask for next month and was contemplating trucks again.

jammy…ok your not in a high paid job,and i can understand the better family life for you’s.but what i can’t get my head round is this, you left the job ( driving ) for the reasons above,so why would you want to come back into the job when nothing has changed if anything since you left its probably got worse :question: apart from keeping your hand in,i don’t know how long you have been away,but the wages ain’t got any better,we still get treated like dirt.i just hope you make the right choice and hope you and your family don’t regret it later on.good luck and i hope it works out for you’s :wink: