Ashamed to be british

I have just finished watching the British news on TV over here (BBC & ITV) I feel ashamed to be British.
Everyone has the right to protest when they want but some of the coments calling Bush a terrorist and saying that there is only terrorism because of USA invading Afghanistan & Iraq.
Has everyone forgotten what happened on September 11th 2001 ?those attacks were well prior to the invassions. Have the British forgotten all the cowardly attacks by the IRA ? who by coincidence help set up the Alqeda traning camps.
If we did not do something against the countries that support terrorists eventually they will hold the world to ransom by getting hold of nuclear weapons and will not hesitate to use them in New York or London.
I dont doubt that if nothing was done and a large terrorist attack happened in the UK they would all be saying 'why didn’t George W Bush do something when he had the chance?

I have alway been proud to be British but when I see these idiots actually burning the stars and stripes I feel I want to no longer be just a legal resident and actually go for US citizenship.

All those protesters are a discrace to Great Britain.

Pat,I agree,the protesters had media coverage over here and like him or loathe the Prime Minister of Australia John Howard he commentated on why there are 60,000 people protesting against the way we live our life,which in a democracy you can protest without fear or retribution, and why there are no protesters on the streets protesting against the latest terror attacks in Istanbul with UK casualties.

Thanks for calling me and many hundreds of thousands others a ‘disgrace’ Pat. You may choose to swallow Dubya and Tony’s propaganda, I don’t.
Opposing them and their polices is not condoning terrorism. The uncomfortable fact is that their war didn’t even achieve its stated objective - not surprising when most of the 9/11 hijackers were Saudi not Iraqui.
I marched against the war in Vietnam, I protested about the recent war because I’m concerned for my fellow human beings rather than nationalistic or corporate interest and can understand the lesson of history. Take a lesson from the French where ‘direct action’ (taking to the streets) is seen as an integral part of democracy not a threat to it.

Even Dubya mentioned how good it was to see a country where the freedom to demonstrate was still held to be a good thing.

But yeah, burning the flag was going a bit far, but most of the people there were kids and don’t know any better. And yes, so many protestors on so many issues seem to be blinkered to everything but their own point of view. It is depressing, but commonplace.
How many animal rights protestors would turn down a life saving treatment for their own child because of how it was developed?
How many of these Anti-US protestors like US tv? How many of them ate at McD’s on the way there? They should learn to be eloquent about what it is they are protesting against, the policies, not the nation. So don’t insult America as a whole, just take the [ZB] out of the idiot in charge.

Britain is a free nation in many ways, and in some ways more free than the US (though the EU and Blair seem to be working to correct that).

*Minor language edit, if you have to doctor the word to get it past the auto word censor it’s a good clue it’s not allowed.*Coffeeholic :smiley:

How ironic it was to see the imagery of GWBs statue comming down in Trafalger Square when the British consulate was being bombed in Istambul.

I don’t think any of those protesting yesterday, against what they see as American and British imperialism, would be astute enough to protest about the Islamic imperialism that, IMHO, is driving the terrorism of Al-queda and their ilk.

Not ashamed to be British, embarressed by the actions of some of my countrymen but then I guess thats the same reasoning that they would apply.

lets not also forget that saddam hussain was financed by the cia, and alqueda was also funded by the cia.
american tax dollars paid for this and american /english money tax money is sorting it out.
i have no gripes with americans but i do have with an american goverment who for years have lied to there people.

What makes me feel ashamed to be British is how the government bends over backwards to terrorists living in the UK, even if it’s known by the authorities that they’re here illegally and are just using the appeals system to remain.

Hundreds of terrorists are living off state handouts and legal aid because this spineless government don’t want to “infringe the terrorists human rights!” Give me strength.

Only days ago, Italy ordered the expulsion of seven north Africans accused of links with militant Islamic groups, no questions asked. Italy is bound by the same human rights convention as Britain, yet puts it’s citizens rights above foreign terrorists, look at the start contrast between this approach and the way Britain ■■■■■ up to Abu Hamza, the hate filled muslim cleric. Makes you sick.

To get back on topic, I think the protesters have the right to peaceful protest, but the attacks on the Jewish Synagogues and British Consulate in Turkey should have been enough for the protesters to realise that now isn’t the time, especially as the Turkish authorities were pulling bodies out of the rubble.


Pat, I am very proud to be British. I am to also ashamed of those who chose to protest. Unfortunately this is a side effect of democracy. At the end of the day I feel the protetors are the Loud Minority. The silent majority probably feel the same way as Dazza, I know I do. It is unfortunate that we have gone to far down the path of political correctness, we need to back track and regain some control and common sense.

Everyone will remember where they where when 911 happened, and like him or loath him Mr Bush is a democraticaly elected leader of a superpower. I for one respect him for putting his missiles where his mouth is. Also I am not saying I like Tony Blair, but he to has been elected by the people of this country, and I feel he has represented the majority as they would want to support and continue the close relationship we have with the USA.

In no way do I agree with war, it is a very sad loss of valuable life.

In saying that something has to be done to stop terrorism before it goes too far. Alqeda have no quarms about killing thousands of inocent men, women and children, they don’t even value the lives of the people they use to comit these atrocities.

If nothing had been done against the Talliban how many more people would have been killed by now just for shaving. How many more Us or British citizens would loose their lives ?

If nobody did anything about Saddam how many more Iraqi’s would have been murdered. It is blatently obvious that terrorists used Iraq as bases, they have been found. Weapons of mass distruction or not those people needed help.

I agree we should pull out ASAP but some order needs to be in place to stop anarchy and more sensless murder.

People who go to the UK as imigrants such as ‘The Hook’ should be sent back to the hovel they came from. To claim asylum in a country where they are treated as humans then cause people to incite trouble and activly support terrorism should be sent home too.

In no way do I like G W Bush, he got to power as the result of a fixed election but he is right about getting rid of terrorism before millions die in a nuclear explosion (maybe in London?) it is too late after the fact.

Those evil people showed just how evil they are when they bombed an HSBC bank killing people who are nothing to do with the situation just because they worked for a British Bank.

They think nothing of killing hundreds on an airliner. How safe will you feel next time you get on a plane ?

I might add that it is a very large insult to the American people to see their flag burning as it would be for you or I to see the Union Jack burning.

You cannot blame an entire nation for the acts of it’s leaders, that is like blaming all muslims for 9/11 or all Irish for the Amagh bomb.

A couple of hundred thousand out of sixty plus millon is not a lot,

Correct me if i am wrong but i have never seen any of these protester’s, protesing in any Iraqi cities before the war, bet they would not have been protesting long.

And the aim of the war was what TK, it won’t take week’s it will take year’s if not decades to sort Iraq out. But i do agree war should be a last resort, the best way to avoid war’s is to make the politican’s fight in it, seen as they send us in to it.

Dazza spot on

Oh one more thing how many Iraqi’s were on this so called protest.


Very proud to be British and even prouder to be English

Dazza, You make some very good points. It seems to me that every time I see protest that are anti war or anti USA or anti Blair the majority are loosers who do not even have or want a job. Not an Iraqi in sight.

I watch and listen to the BBC world service which seems totally impartial. They have done interviews with ordinary Iraqi citizens who are very greatful for what is being done, There are several new schools and hospitals being built, all of which the terrorists are trying to stop. Most TV channels never show the good side.

Don’t remember seeing all those peace loving, anti-violence and anti-murder protesters in Iraq demonstrating against the mass-murder of the Kurds.

I don’t think they could protest without being shot or tortured.

You don’t have to be ashamed for from where you are,but maybe for from what you are

hello pat good point you make but when you say that getting rid of saddam saved many iraqi lives then why doesn’t somebody kill mugabe and save thousands of lives of zimbabweans?
the simple answer of course is oil, there isn’t any in zimbabwe for the americans so they are not interested.

i’m not ashamed to be british and i do disagree with some of the protestors but i wouldn’t believe a thing an american told me because they have been brainwashed by the state for years after the state had financed most of the bad guys around the world in the first place.

where did all the money for the IRA come from? America
where did the taliban get their arms? America
who sponsors terrorist countries by buying all their oil? America

11th september was an attrocity but sometimes the americans need to look a little closer to home on certain things

notice i called it 11th september as 911 is a nice car!!!

Was it true the Bin Laden family,of which is numerous and very large,were flown to the USA a few days before 9/11 attacks,and the CIA had intel that missiles would be used against the USA,but no one thought planes would be seized,as inland US flights,were not checked so well,before 9/11.Bin Ladens familly were wealthy architects,and had knowledge of the design and build of the twin towers,as so fully fueled planes hit,the design of the towers,caused a quick collapse.height of impact,and turning the angle of the wings the last second.The pilots were being observed,by the CIA,while action taken.What was that stuff about eye witness accounts of timed explosions,at a building nearby and on the towers.Deck of card style explosions,that may have planted before the planes hit.