Asda oops … e-35123413

Think he was heading for the pallet party


About the Socks?

I blame the loaders.

I blame the loaders.

+1, every single Asda ambient trailer I’ve ever pulled has been badly loaded lol

I am agency driver - please ask questions :wink:

Yes them loaders should stick to loading, had it been a driver at the wheel…er.

Didn’t know Asda was a self tip :astonished:

I am agency driver - please ask questions :wink:

Any favourite subject for said questions

I say this without prejudice or indeed stereotype, But that is clearly the work of the finest Bluetooth wearing joggin bottomed b.o ridden agency god. Goes by the name of ullrich hunt me thinks.

Merry Christmas one and all.


How do you know that■■?

To many agency drivers much much more expirienced than full time drivers who work for one copmany 10 years,because agency drivers work for different companies,do different job and must do more better because can be banned easy.But to full time drivers have absolutely low knowledge about loading and another task.

jessicas dad:


How do you know that■■?

its on its side?

I drove for 5 years at asda never had any issues with loading or a trailer tipping over.

To many agency drivers much much more expirienced than full time drivers who work for one copmany 10 years,because agency drivers work for different companies,do different job and must do more better because can be banned easy.But to full time drivers have absolutely low knowledge about loading and another task.

I don’t buy that argument, yes agency drivers knowledge will be broader to an extent but a 10 year veteran doing the same thing day in and day out will run rings round a agency bod both reversing wise at stores he has vast knowledge of and restraining wise.

Now put that veteran and the agency driver in a different environment for the day and yes the agency bod will probably have the edge as he has seen more kit and places.

Yep its a well known fact agency drivers have a vast experience of causing a variety of disasters in many different sectors of the haulage industry. Some say they do it for the freedom and flexibility, others say they do it because it allows them to do other things but most will admit they do it as they are unable to obtain or sustain a proper job.

Tiz the time of year especially from October onwards that the lesser spotted limpers come out of hibernation to dazzle us with their jack of all cockup shenanigans. In fact doing a Saturday shift as a regular driver becomes quite enjoyable watching these legends in their own underpants try and perform even the simplest manouvre.

Discussions in RDC waiting rooms become even more fun watching agency drivers try and negotiate the coffee machines with a handfull of copper coins, a button and some pocket fluff whilst trying to figure out which number selection relates to their drink of choice. You can guarantee the selection they limp and spill away with is not the beverage they where hoping for.
In fact regular drivers can whittle away a happy few minutes listening to the hapless agency driver praying into their bluetooth earpiece for a ‘coffee with sugar, please coffee with sugar’ only to stand back and watch as the machine whirs and clunks away to proudly produce a nice cup of chicken soup. They then try and mask the look of despair on their face by pretending it was exactly what they wanted.

But im being unfair as in this example we dont know if the driver was agency.

please tell me its one of those spoilt little children favorite whinging moaning i can only do a one trip with fuel economy bonus trip run fekwittart from mp that was driving ? :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :grimacing:

Yep its a well known fact agency drivers have a vast experience of causing a variety of disasters in many different sectors of the haulage industry. Some say they do it for the freedom and flexibility, others say they do it because it allows them to do other things but most will admit they do it as they are unable to obtain or sustain a proper job.

Tiz the time of year especially from October onwards that the lesser spotted limpers come out of hibernation to dazzle us with their jack of all cockup shenanigans. In fact doing a Saturday shift as a regular driver becomes quite enjoyable watching these legends in their own underpants try and perform even the simplest manouvre.

Discussions in RDC waiting rooms become even more fun watching agency drivers try and negotiate the coffee machines with a handfull of copper coins, a button and some pocket fluff whilst trying to figure out which number selection relates to their drink of choice. You can guarantee the selection they limp and spill away with is not the beverage they where hoping for.

But im being unfair as in this example we dont know if the driver was agency.

So are you just jealous or biased or both, of your fellow mankind :question: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :grimacing:

Neither just some lite trollin, tiz the season of goodwill to all men, even agency men. Sure no one will bite at my attempt at titilation.

please tell me its one of those spoilt little children favorite whinging moaning i can only do a one trip with fuel economy bonus trip run fekwittart from mp that was driving ?


I’m not joining in with the agency knocking but he was most definitely agency. He’d been previously banned from another Asda site so you’d have thought that ban would have extended elsewhere.
Asda trailers have load bearing curtains and everything is strapped to sides every 6 pallets. Some of the pallets are stacked badly but always held up with straps.
Those are facts, not speculative opinion.