Artic driver in terrible accident at heathrow airport

Yesterday at heathrow airport part of the airport was closed off for a number of hours due to a terrible accident. While backing onto a bay at air canada the driver got out to open the rear doors & was crushed by the load falling on top of him :open_mouth:
There was quite a few ambulances & even the air ambulance had to be called to rush the guy to hospital.
After speaking to a couple of other drivers im still unsure of the outcome, but 1 driver said he was in a really bad way & another driver i was speaking to about it told me he was killed. I havnt been able to find out exactly whats happened as of yet but if i find out anymore i will let you know. Or if anyone else knows or has heard about it please let me know.
I dont know the driver but it still comes as a shock when you see or hear about things like this.
Lets hope its a good outcome & my thoughts go out to him & his family

ā€¦, but 1 driver said he was in a really bad way & another driver i was speaking to about it told me he was killedā€¦

Without wishing to sound callous what is the point of your post?

By the sounds of it the driver is either dead or badly injured. If the latter I hope he makes a speedy recovery but I struggle to understand why his plight has been highlighted on here.

hiabman may i wish you a very happy Christmas too! Season of goodwill and all that!
Maybe he was posting it on here as it is a drivers forum and was hoping the guy would get some sympathy and probably to remind us all that when we open back doors to be careful.

hiabman It might be tyler4164ā€™s next door nieghbour if you look at the location & if he wants to post on here he is free to do so without the irritation from self appointed censors from the middle of no-where. I think he just wants an update on a nasty accident. Wnen I was on containers & the first thing you learned was to loosen the doors then look for the escape route ! You never ever knew what or how it was loadedā€¦
NB ;This is from another thread on here about the same subject
Posted: Sat Dec 16, 2006 10:17 am Post subject:

It doesnā€™t sound corny mate. Its posts like this that remind us i think that its not just a truck smash, its actually someones friend/relative thats been hurt.
Best wishes to your mate as well.

he deserves a kick in jacksie
If youā€™ve got a fiddle keep it yourselfā€¦Anon

hiabman may i wish you a very happy Christmas too! Season of goodwill and all that!
Maybe he was posting it on here as it is a drivers forum and was hoping the guy would get some sympathy and probably to remind us all that when we open back doors to be careful.

Well said ā€œdisgoā€ thats as I would have read itā€¦ a good reminder of how easily bad things can happen in ths job and we should be ever vigilant :open_mouth: :angry: :angry:

Yeah well said H We can all get complacent at times and aside from the compasion we should feel for another Drive and his/her loved ones at this time,we can learn from it.

So Hiab you arse put your brain in gear before your mouth.

Sorry to bring bad feeling into this topic but people like Hiab zb me off :imp:

Fair doā€™s

hiabman Youā€™ve just answered your own question. And ā€œYes.ā€ :laughing:

Harry your bang on the money with this geezer mateā€¦my guess he will end up working an in out barrier and asking for your registration :laughing:

Harry your bang on the money with this geezer mateā€¦my guess he will end up working an in out barrier and asking for your registration :laughing:

Funny that chap.

Been on the sauce toneet fellas.

Lacking compassion. Thatā€™s all.

Will be decidedly different in the morn.

As for the out barrier dig - comedy genius

toneet you dikslksic mate?

On the sauce tonight. ?..No sat in mi truck mateā€¦waitin for a pleb to let me through a barrier

not you is it ā– ā– 

Lack of compassion = What goes around comes around :wink:

toneet you dikslksic mate?


Not dyslexic here mate.

Toneet = local mancunian dialect

Didnā€™t expect my post to be dissected by some pedant waiting to be loaded/tipped.

Safe journey home fella

Didnā€™t expect my post to be dissected by some pedant waiting to be loaded/tipped.

Safe journey home fella

Always expect the unexpected especialy when you show disrespect to fellow driver and his/her family in a bad spot :wink:


ā€¦, but 1 driver said he was in a really bad way & another driver i was speaking to about it told me he was killedā€¦

Without wishing to sound callous what is the point of your post?

By the sounds of it the driver is either dead or badly injured. If the latter I hope he makes a speedy recovery but I struggle to understand why his plight has been highlighted on here.

You heartless ā– ā– ā– ā– ā– ā– ā–  :smiling_imp:


Didnā€™t expect my post to be dissected by some pedant waiting to be loaded/tipped.

Safe journey home fella
Always expect the unexpected especialy when you show disrespect to fellow drivers in a bad spot :wink:

I wasnā€™t aware I was disrespecting anybody but iā€™ll take your word for it.

Hope toneet goes well for you.

Working a saturday neet @ half eleven must be a real pain.

I take my hat off to you.

Iā€™d wish you a merry christmas but iā€™m a miserable compassionless dyslexic disrespectfull northern security guard.


I Rest my case :wink:


Bloody rubbish. I hoped a speedy recovery.

Donā€™t exaggerate.

I merely questioned the validity of the post.

[Without wishing to sound callous what is the point of your post?

By the sounds of it the driver is either dead or badly injured. If the latter I hope he makes a speedy recovery but I struggle to understand why his plight has been highlighted on here.

You really donā€™t get it do you ? This is a truckers forum where all topics related and some not related are discussed. Someone I will bet will have benefitted from that post in some wayā€¦So wise up HIAB


[Without wishing to sound callous what is the point of your post?

By the sounds of it the driver is either dead or badly injured. If the latter I hope he makes a speedy recovery but I struggle to understand why his plight has been highlighted on here.

You really donā€™t get it do you ?

As it happens I do.

Iā€™ve dropped a bollock here.

Time I was 'orf.

Apologies to said driver.

I guess posting on these forums can sometimes encourage oneself to spout drivel ocassionally. Guilty as charged.

ā€¦Iā€™ll get me coat

happens all the time on containersā€¦ you soon get used opening the door and walking back with it rather than stand and have a look inside.

and if anything starts to fall out let it. weather its tellys or toilet rolls.