ARGOS RDC Bridgewater

I was not looking forward to going to the temple of doom,and stories of being imprisoned there for an eternity,but quite the opposite occured,it turned out to be a pleasant experience,friendy staff,then shown where the canteen was to partake in some nose bag at £1.03 per meal,i had the chicken stew,with parsnips,and also on offer was a Chinese dinner with Hoi Sin sauce,and a free milk drink machine.
The warehouse staff made no fuss of a ■■■■■■■■■■ piece of freight blocking their goods,at the previous collection,i found a football in hedge,so i kicked it to them,like Rod Stewart does to his fans,and they proceeded to have a game in the warehouse.It was the can do attitude that knocked me back,i even got chatting to one of their lady drivers,while waiting.

Let that be a lesson to you then Tobes don’t judge people or places on other peoples heresay judge it for yourself :wink:

I have some memories of this place :slight_smile:
Arriving at noon with 24 pallets of Tracy islands from Matchbox in 1993, they took 7 hours to unload them … the lazy gits. I went in to tell them my time was up at 7.30pm and I would not be moving after that, they sat on the pallets laughing then at 7.45 pm bought me the paperwork, I said thanks and drew the curtains much to their suprise. Argos security were then called to ask me to move to which I refused, the police were then called to whom I showed my Tacho chart. The police told the security that I need not move if I didn’t wan’t to, in fact if I did I would then get a violation ticket. The nice policeman also told them I had the right to go out to eat and leave my truck on the dock. they did so and I went to that pub near the transport cafe down the road. On return security would not let me in even though my truck was there, I called the police who told them I had the right to go to my truck or the security man would be arrested for hijacking a lorry :laughing:
I was admitted to my truck, spent the night in peace and left next day. After the incident every visit to the place I was asked when my time was up and always empty with 30 minutes to spare.
You have to stand up for your rights in such places :exclamation:

Did they draw a chalk line around the truck? Did vosa fine Argos?

I have noticed that Argos are using part time police officers as drivers.

I thought it was a wincaton contract?