Are you voting today?

I must admit that i know very little about politics…and this very topic always leads to arguments and differences…as with religion…2 subjects to avoid…but i think its very important to vote…we were given this right…and our forefathers fought in many world wars to give us our freedom and choice to vote in our democratic society…so dont let it go to waste…i received a booklet last week which described the various people you could vote for…i am still none the wiser for they all had very good ideas of what they would do if…

  1. they were voted mayor
  2. they were elected to the london assembly
  3. they were elected as a M.E.P.
    so we have 3 votes and some very good ideas…if all of the ideas came from one person it would be easy to choose…but with various ideas from different candidates makes a choice difficult…so rather than get a pin and blindfold out i decided just to choose each one from the U.K.I.P…cos i doint want to be controlled by bruxelles any more…i dont want any more rules imposed on my country by people from a foreign land who nothing about this country of mine, i dont want immigration controlled by bruxelles…or my taxes…or my food…or working hours (unless its less) in fact i dont want to be controlled at all…except by my wife…and she does a good job of that at the moment :laughing:
    so ladies and gentlemen…cast your vote with pleisure…but dont let it go to waste…
    have a nice day

Didn’t get back home from Ireland till too late :open_mouth: :frowning: :sunglasses:


Yes I voted for my French MEPs but the funny thing is despite all the fuss in England about postal ballot papers not arriving on time I also received well in advance my papers from Nottingham. Now how come I’m entitiled to vote in two different countries??

Salut, David.