Are you fed up of your family yet?

Most of us like our own space (that’s why we do what we do)
It’s nice to see the family and all that but after the first couple of hours how many of you are thinking they’ve outstayed their welcome?

I’ve been with mine for about 3 hours now, 2 hours 45 minutes spent in the pub & just gonna get some Nosh, hav’nt had one argument (yet !)

It’s a resounding yes from me.

Had Christmas Eve tea and supper with them last night (left at 2330).

Woke up this morning 0900 to 6 of them (that don’t belong) in my house.

It’s now 1730 and they’re still ■■■■■■■ here and showing no signs of buggering off.

I’ve taken the dogs out for the sake of my sanity.

Had a good day with my other half’s family joining us. :smiley:

Have been at stepdaughter & hubby`s house for a couple of days . Well looked after here , and 2 granddaughters make
Christmas even more enjoyable . Enough to eat & drink , so no rush to return home just yet. :sunglasses:

Cheers , (hic & burrrrrp :slight_smile: ), cattle wagon man.

They stayed (her family) just about the right length of time, thankfully the mother inlaw who lives across the road didn’t visit, they all went there, has something to do with her fella (same age as me) picking on me one night and not liking the result so I am not welcome :wink: :laughing:
We had a great afternoon but now just me and the Mrs as the eldest is out and the youngest is asleep…ahhhh peace :smiley:

My Mum is off to her annual Florida Panama Beach 3 month chill :unamused: all right for some :laughing: if she leaves me money in her will I will be angry, she deserves to enjoy the money she slaved for :sunglasses:

Edit, just looked Mrs has crashed and burnt :laughing:

4 hours with my sister and the family yesterday, may make an hours appearance today, then thats it till the new year.
Not that I dont like my family, I just prefer a solitary existance.

Had another 9 hours with them yesterday. I honestly though I’d have to open a vein to be allowed to go home.

Never again. We’re going away next year. Even if I have to go to ■■■■■■■ Yorkshite

Tipper Tom:
Had another 9 hours with them yesterday. I honestly though I’d have to open a vein to be allowed to go home.

Never again. We’re going away next year. Even if I have to go to [zb] Yorkshite

Referring to your 2 entries on here,…
With all your family/friends staying soooooo lonnnnnng :
They either like you ,…or they don`t . :confused: :exclamation:

Lucky you`ve got dogs ,then. :slight_smile:

Cheers , cattle wagon man.

P.S. Theres nowt wrong wi Yorkshire . :smiley:

Nowt right with it either

Tipper Tom:
Nowt right with it either

Yes there is, … The M62 out of it!

^^I hadn’t considered that

Once boxing day is I can start seeing who I want too rather than have too.