Are you a scottish truckie

50 pure dead giveaways that you are Scottish
(( INTERPRETATION ON REQUEST))… :slight_smile:

  1. Scattered showers with outbreaks of sunshine and a cold northerly wind, is your idea of good weather.
  2. The only sausage you like is square.
  3. You were forced to do Scottish country dancing every year at high school.
  4. You have a wide knowledge of local words, and know: Numpty is an idiot, Aye is yes, Aye right is No, Auldjin is someone over 40, and Baltic is cold.
  5. You have an irrational need to eat anything from the chippy, as long as its deep fried – Haggis, pizza, white pudding, sausage, fish, chicken and battered Mars Bars.
  6. You used to love destroying your teeth with – Penny Dainties, Wham Bars, Cola Cubes, and Soor Plooms.
  7. You always greet people by talking about the weather.
  8. Even if you normally hate the Proclaimers, Runrig, Caledonia, Deacon Blue, Big Country, etc, you still love it when they are played in a club abroad. (in fact you’ll probably ask the DJ to play it)
  9. You have an enormous feeling of dread, even when Scotland play a diddy team.
  10. You are proud that Scotland has the highest number of alcohol and smoking deaths in Europe.
  11. You used to watch Glen Michael’s Cartoon Cavalcade on a Sunday Afternoon with his lamp Paladdin.
  12. You got Oor Wullie and The Broons books Every Christmas.
  13. You only enjoy Weir’s Way on the telly, when you are ■■■■■■■
  14. You are able to recognise the regional dilect, (Glasgow) 'Awright pal, gonie gies a wee swatcha yir paper Nat, Cheers, magic pal. ( Aberdeen) Fitlike Loon? Furryboots ya bin up tae? fair few quines in the night, min. ( Inverness) Ah-eee right enuffff! How’s you keeeepeeeen?
  15. You know the police are about to arrive when you hear someone shout—Errapolis.
  16. You have witnessed a ‘Square Go’
  17. You know that when you are asked which School you attended they really mean, ‘Are you Catholic or Proddy?’
  18. You have eaten the following: Mince and Tatties, Cullen Skink, Tunnock’s Teacakes, Snowballs and Caramel Wafers, porridge, Macaroon Bar, Baxters Soup, Scotch Pie, Oatcakes.
  19. A Jakey has ask you for 10p for a cuppa tea.
  20. You wait at the shop counter for 1p change.
  21. You know that the right response to ‘you dancing?’ is ‘you askin?’ followed by ‘am askin’ and finally ‘then am dancin’.
  22. You associated sawdust with vomit, coz the ‘jannie’ always, used to pour it over sick in school.
  23. You lose all respect for a groom who doesn’t wear a kilt.
  24. You don’t do shopping, you ‘go for the messages.’
  25. You’re on a bus and the drunk picks you to sit next to.
  26. You are able to conduct a 20 minute phone call using three words only,-- Awright, aye, and naw.
  27. When you refuse the offer of a drink, you hear, ’ You no well?’
  28. You have heard the following:
    You canny fling pieces oot a 20 storey flat,
    700 hungry weans’ll testify to that,
    If its butter, cheese or jelly,
    If the breed is plain or pan,
    The chances o’ it reachin earth,
    Are ninety nine tae wan.
  29. You know that going to a party means bringin a Kerry oot.
  30. Your holiday in Benidorm is ruined when you hear there is a heatwave back home.
  31. Scotland go 2-0 up against the French, and you immediately think, getting beat 3-2 was ‘no a bad result’.
  32. You can pronounce: McConnochie, Ecclefechan, Milngavie, and Kirkcaldy.
  33. You love deep fried Pizza.
  34. You can’t pass a Kebab shop after being at the pub.
  35. You are used to four seasons in one day. (winter, winter, autumn, winter)
  36. You can fall when drunk and not spill your drink.
  37. You see people wearing shellsuits with Burberry acc essories, and think ‘that’s class’.
  38. You measure distance in minutes.
  39. You understand Rab C. Nesbitt.
  40. You go to Saltcoats because you think its abroad.
  41. You can make a whole sentence using only swear words.
  42. You know what haggis is made with, but you still enjoy it.
  43. You know someone who planned their wedding around the football fixtures.
  44. You have been to a wedding and the football results have been announced in church.
  45. You are not surprised to find one shop selling ALL of the following: Pizzas, Nappies, ■■■■, Curries, Milk, Paint, Shoes etc.
  46. Your seaside home has Calor gas under it.
  47. You know that Irn-Bru is a good hang over cure.
  48. You could swear before you could count.
  49. You would ‘nut’ a terrorist if they tried to bomb your Airport.
  50. You are not only Scottish but Glasgwian when you understand the following- How’s it hingin’, clatty, bog

50 pure dead giveaways that you are Scottish
(( INTERPRETATION ON REQUEST))… :slight_smile:

  1. Scattered showers with outbreaks of sunshine and a cold northerly wind, is your idea of good weather.
  2. The only sausage you like is square.
  3. You were forced to do Scottish country dancing every year at high school.
  4. You have a wide knowledge of local words, and know: Numpty is an idiot, Aye is yes, Aye right is No, Auldjin is someone over 40, and Baltic is cold.
  5. You have an irrational need to eat anything from the chippy, as long as its deep fried – Haggis, pizza, white pudding, sausage, fish, chicken and battered Mars Bars.
  6. You used to love destroying your teeth with – Penny Dainties, Wham Bars, Cola Cubes, and Soor Plooms.
  7. You always greet people by talking about the weather.
  8. Even if you normally hate the Proclaimers, Runrig, Caledonia, Deacon Blue, Big Country, etc, you still love it when they are played in a club abroad. (in fact you’ll probably ask the DJ to play it)
  9. You have an enormous feeling of dread, even when Scotland play a diddy team.
  10. You are proud that Scotland has the highest number of alcohol and smoking deaths in Europe.
  11. You used to watch Glen Michael’s Cartoon Cavalcade on a Sunday Afternoon with his lamp Paladdin.
  12. You got Oor Wullie and The Broons books Every Christmas.
  13. You only enjoy Weir’s Way on the telly, when you are ■■■■■■■
  14. You are able to recognise the regional dilect, (Glasgow) 'Awright pal, gonie gies a wee swatcha yir paper Nat, Cheers, magic pal. ( Aberdeen) Fitlike Loon? Furryboots ya bin up tae? fair few quines in the night, min. ( Inverness) Ah-eee right enuffff! How’s you keeeepeeeen?
  15. You know the police are about to arrive when you hear someone shout—Errapolis.
  16. You have witnessed a ‘Square Go’
  17. You know that when you are asked which School you attended they really mean, ‘Are you Catholic or Proddy?’
  18. You have eaten the following: Mince and Tatties, Cullen Skink, Tunnock’s Teacakes, Snowballs and Caramel Wafers, porridge, Macaroon Bar, Baxters Soup, Scotch Pie, Oatcakes.
  19. A Jakey has ask you for 10p for a cuppa tea.
  20. You wait at the shop counter for 1p change.
  21. You know that the right response to ‘you dancing?’ is ‘you askin?’ followed by ‘am askin’ and finally ‘then am dancin’.
  22. You associated sawdust with vomit, coz the ‘jannie’ always, used to pour it over sick in school.
  23. You lose all respect for a groom who doesn’t wear a kilt.
  24. You don’t do shopping, you ‘go for the messages.’
  25. You’re on a bus and the drunk picks you to sit next to.
  26. You are able to conduct a 20 minute phone call using three words only,-- Awright, aye, and naw.
  27. When you refuse the offer of a drink, you hear, ’ You no well?’
  28. You have heard the following:
    You canny fling pieces oot a 20 storey flat,
    700 hungry weans’ll testify to that,
    If its butter, cheese or jelly,
    If the breed is plain or pan,
    The chances o’ it reachin earth,
    Are ninety nine tae wan.
  29. You know that going to a party means bringin a Kerry oot.
  30. Your holiday in Benidorm is ruined when you hear there is a heatwave back home.
  31. Scotland go 2-0 up against the French, and you immediately think, getting beat 3-2 was ‘no a bad result’.
  32. You can pronounce: McConnochie, Ecclefechan, Milngavie, and Kirkcaldy.
  33. You love deep fried Pizza.
  34. You can’t pass a Kebab shop after being at the pub.
  35. You are used to four seasons in one day. (winter, winter, autumn, winter)
  36. You can fall when drunk and not spill your drink.
  37. You see people wearing shellsuits with Burberry acc essories, and think ‘that’s class’.
  38. You measure distance in minutes.
  39. You understand Rab C. Nesbitt.
  40. You go to Saltcoats because you think its abroad.
  41. You can make a whole sentence using only swear words.
  42. You know what haggis is made with, but you still enjoy it.
  43. You know someone who planned their wedding around the football fixtures.
  44. You have been to a wedding and the football results have been announced in church.
  45. You are not surprised to find one shop selling ALL of the following: Pizzas, Nappies, ■■■■, Curries, Milk, Paint, Shoes etc.
  46. Your seaside home has Calor gas under it.
  47. You know that Irn-Bru is a good hang over cure.
  48. You could swear before you could count.
  49. You would ‘nut’ a terrorist if they tried to bomb your Airport.
  50. You are not only Scottish but Glasgwian when you understand the following- How’s it hingin’, clatty, bog

omg 45 out of 50 are true for me lol

aye yon lists a guid yin

the point of this post it ?

50 pure dead giveaways that you are Scottish
(( INTERPRETATION ON REQUEST))… :slight_smile:

  1. Scattered showers with outbreaks of sunshine and a cold northerly wind, is your idea of good weather.
  2. The only sausage you like is square.
  3. You were forced to do Scottish country dancing every year at high school.
  4. You have a wide knowledge of local words, and know: Numpty is an idiot, Aye is yes, Aye right is No, Auldjin is someone over 40, and Baltic is cold.
  5. You have an irrational need to eat anything from the chippy, as long as its deep fried – Haggis, pizza, white pudding, sausage, fish, chicken and battered Mars Bars.
  6. You used to love destroying your teeth with – Penny Dainties, Wham Bars, Cola Cubes, and Soor Plooms.
  7. You always greet people by talking about the weather.
  8. Even if you normally hate the Proclaimers, Runrig, Caledonia, Deacon Blue, Big Country, etc, you still love it when they are played in a club abroad. (in fact you’ll probably ask the DJ to play it)
  9. You have an enormous feeling of dread, even when Scotland play a diddy team.
  10. You are proud that Scotland has the highest number of alcohol and smoking deaths in Europe.
  11. You used to watch Glen Michael’s Cartoon Cavalcade on a Sunday Afternoon with his lamp Paladdin.
  12. You got Oor Wullie and The Broons books Every Christmas.
  13. You only enjoy Weir’s Way on the telly, when you are ■■■■■■■
  14. You are able to recognise the regional dilect, (Glasgow) 'Awright pal, gonie gies a wee swatcha yir paper Nat, Cheers, magic pal. ( Aberdeen) Fitlike Loon? Furryboots ya bin up tae? fair few quines in the night, min. ( Inverness) Ah-eee right enuffff! How’s you keeeepeeeen?
  15. You know the police are about to arrive when you hear someone shout—Errapolis.
  16. You have witnessed a ‘Square Go’
  17. You know that when you are asked which School you attended they really mean, ‘Are you Catholic or Proddy?’
  18. You have eaten the following: Mince and Tatties, Cullen Skink, Tunnock’s Teacakes, Snowballs and Caramel Wafers, porridge, Macaroon Bar, Baxters Soup, Scotch Pie, Oatcakes.
  19. A Jakey has ask you for 10p for a cuppa tea.
  20. You wait at the shop counter for 1p change.
  21. You know that the right response to ‘you dancing?’ is ‘you askin?’ followed by ‘am askin’ and finally ‘then am dancin’.
  22. You associated sawdust with vomit, coz the ‘jannie’ always, used to pour it over sick in school.
  23. You lose all respect for a groom who doesn’t wear a kilt.
  24. You don’t do shopping, you ‘go for the messages.’
  25. You’re on a bus and the drunk picks you to sit next to.
  26. You are able to conduct a 20 minute phone call using three words only,-- Awright, aye, and naw.
  27. When you refuse the offer of a drink, you hear, ’ You no well?’
  28. You have heard the following:
    You canny fling pieces oot a 20 storey flat,
    700 hungry weans’ll testify to that,
    If its butter, cheese or jelly,
    If the breed is plain or pan,
    The chances o’ it reachin earth,
    Are ninety nine tae wan.
  29. You know that going to a party means bringin a Kerry oot.
  30. Your holiday in Benidorm is ruined when you hear there is a heatwave back home.
  31. Scotland go 2-0 up against the French, and you immediately think, getting beat 3-2 was ‘no a bad result’.
  32. You can pronounce: McConnochie, Ecclefechan, Milngavie, and Kirkcaldy.
  33. You love deep fried Pizza.
  34. You can’t pass a Kebab shop after being at the pub.
  35. You are used to four seasons in one day. (winter, winter, autumn, winter)
  36. You can fall when drunk and not spill your drink.
  37. You see people wearing shellsuits with Burberry acc essories, and think ‘that’s class’.
  38. You measure distance in minutes.
  39. You understand Rab C. Nesbitt.
  40. You go to Saltcoats because you think its abroad.
  41. You can make a whole sentence using only swear words.
  42. You know what haggis is made with, but you still enjoy it.
  43. You know someone who planned their wedding around the football fixtures.
  44. You have been to a wedding and the football results have been announced in church.
  45. You are not surprised to find one shop selling ALL of the following: Pizzas, Nappies, ■■■■, Curries, Milk, Paint, Shoes etc.
  46. Your seaside home has Calor gas under it.
  47. You know that Irn-Bru is a good hang over cure.
  48. You could swear before you could count.
  49. You would ‘nut’ a terrorist if they tried to bomb your Airport.
  50. You are not only Scottish but Glasgwian when you understand the following- How’s it hingin’, clatty, bog

All of the above , guilty as charged M’lord

Ref No. 4. When you ask ‘How?’, you really mean ‘Why?’.
Ref No. 12. Still do!! 25 years after jumping the wall. :smiley:

I wish I was sent to Scotland more often.

51, you know that "Hae ye got yer lines driver" means, can i have a look at your paperwork please :smiley:

the point of this post it ?

the point of this post would be somewhat similar to that of a vast ammount of others on here.though the relevance may escape you if your completely without humour in your outlook, :unamused:

The point of this post is tae cause a fight in an emptae room, clearly he went to st Kent’s, born wi a chip on his shoulda…

Gaun the bears


All true, except 34. :laughing:

33 AMAZING :sunglasses: :sunglasses: :sunglasses:

Oh dear ,I am only 85% Scottish,will try to do better.

you can have the extra 15% shortfall for having a name that sounds right… :slight_smile:

aye yon lists a guid yin

Pure belter so it is
Almost 50 out of 50 for me. Pretty scary how accurate it is actually! :laughing:

Nice wan big man

Yi ken ee`s right eh

well I thought I was Cornish, but according to this I’m Scottish!!!
time to find out if mother had a holiday in Scotland back in the 60s’ :open_mouth:

You dont have to worry as the Cornish are a Celtic people as well .

you can have the extra 15% shortfall for having a name that sounds right… :slight_smile:

Need to clean the screen now cheers. :astonished: