Are you a cyclist?

Just wondering how many of us are and what sort of mileage we do, what we use our bikes for, what kind of roads we use etc.

I’m also very interested in our interactions with other road users, who really are the biggest menaces to cyclists?

I cycle daily. For the purposes of this topic I’m only going to start from the Monday just gone with my list of people who have genuinely endangered me, not the ones who were just an annoyance.

1x Minicab (pulled out without looking whilst using mobile phone)

1x London bus (tried to overtake against oncoming traffic as I was passing a parked car)

1x Car driver (overtook on a pedestrian crossing with a central refuge)

Please note:

This is not a moan or a rant, it’s a genuine attempt to build a picture of how people behave when they are in charge of different types of vehicles. I’m grateful for all contributions :slight_smile:

I am at my most vulnerable when all the young mums take the kids to school in the 4x4. Another worry is the female rep in a VW Golf or Passat with a bad attitude. They may look pretty but I am sure when a woman is given a company car, the red fairy visits them twice as often.

I ride as and when I feel like it. Average 3-4 times a week. Mix of both road and bridleway.
Only other road users I have problems with is cars and pedestrians. For the sake of fairness the roads I tend to use don’t have much else other than cars that use them.

I’m also very interested in our interactions with other road users, who really are the biggest menaces to cyclists?

Cyclists are the biggest menace to them self’s why do you ride down the middle of the road when the government funded millions for cycle lanes

or think red lights don’t apply to you.

or can switch between the road, cycle lane or pavement when ever you feel like it (If you did that in a car or a truck you’ll end up in prison).

or try to squeeze though gaps you should then wonder why cars get ■■■■■■ at you for knocking there mirrors because they should of left a gap for you

I’m sure others can add to this list :stuck_out_tongue:


I’m also very interested in our interactions with other road users, who really are the biggest menaces to cyclists?

Cyclists are the biggest menace to them self’s why do you ride down the middle of the road when the government funded millions for cycle lanesI have never done this

or think red lights don’t apply to you.Guilty :grimacing:

or can switch between the road, cycle lane or pavement when ever you feel like it (If you did that in a car or a truck you’ll end up in prison).Not whenever I feel like it, just when it’s clear and safe to do so

or try to squeeze though gaps you should then wonder why cars get ■■■■■■ at you for knocking there mirrors because they should of left a gap for you In the two years riding to work I’ve never touched another vehicle

I’m sure others can add to this list :stuck_out_tongue:

I cycle 6 miles to work most days and keep myself out of the way as much as possible, I do whatever I can to present no obstruction for other road users, most of them shouldn’t be allowed on the roads so I keep off them as much as possible :smiley:

I ride to work a great deal. 14 miles a day usually, 50% cycle path and the rest on the roads. Gosport is a good place to ride a bike but get off the main routes, then it gets interesting.

Top of the list is buses followed by White Van Man and then bigger MPV and 4x4 drivers, sorry Big German softroaders. Land/Range Rover drivers tend to know the width of their vehicles! We don’t get much Lorry traffic but the ones we do get tend to be by far the most cautious and considerate when passing.

I never go up the inside of anything and even when I’m on a cycle path I’m cautious. If something is indicating to turn left I definitely don’t go up the inside unless on a cycle path and the car is not a the very front of the queue.

I try to be considerate, as when I’m driving anything on the roads but if I wanted I could ride like a ■■■■ but I fully accept that I would be increasing the risk to me.

I would just like to add that when I did my Cycling Proficiency back in my school days I was taught (had it hammered into me because I still remember) never go up the inside of lorries, vans and buses. My daughter from the age of 8 knows not to do this (again Cycling Proficiency at school).


I’m also very interested in our interactions with other road users, who really are the biggest menaces to cyclists?

Cyclists are the biggest menace to them self’s…I’m sure others can add to this list :stuck_out_tongue:

The OP doesn’t want to know what we think of cyclists (I’m sure we all have the same gripes about the type you describe), he wants to how we use our bikes and how we interact with traffic.

What’s this? Cyclistnet? :unamused: This is trucknet (clue is in the title) :bulb: . There are plenty of cyclist forums to cater for rants/complaints/moans. :bulb:

The OP asks… are you a cyclist… and as usual some cannot seem to understand plain English and start ranting about cyclists.Unbelievable!

I am a regular cyclist, car driver, motorcycle rider, coach driver and Lgv driver.

As a cyclist I find cars, lorries and buses the biggest hazards.
Of course prorbably the majority are fine but you get the ones that will not give you any room when they pass you.When a car passes too closely it normally does not have that great an effect but when a bus or a lorry does it can be very hazardous.The majority of roads I cycle on are country roads where there is never a great deal of traffic.If a car or larger vehicle has to pass they ideally have to move out into the oncoming lane to leave a safe gap.
Most do that however what I find is if there is oncoming traffic some do not have the patience to wait so they can pass safely and consequently get far too close to me.
I have lost count of the times lorries and buses have nearly knocked me off.Also some so called professional drivers blast their horns as they pass!
Not afriendly blast either.I have done nothing wrong but because I am in their way they blast their horn.(totally professional)
Before anyone comments there are no cycle paths in the vicinity we cycle.

I understand cyclists can be a hazard especially in towns but so can car.lorry and bus drivers.It amazes me how some on here cycle and only have trouble with cars and buses.To many biased posters on here.
Attitudes need to change drastically before the carnage will stop.

Rob K:
What’s this? Cyclistnet? :unamused: This is trucknet (clue is in the title) :bulb: . There are plenty of cyclist forums to cater for rants/complaints/moans. :bulb:

The OP is asking about truck drivers that also cycle(clue is in the title) It seems quite a relevant question considering all the animosity between cyclists and truck drivers.
You clearly seem to have trouble understanding plain English.

I find that trucks and buses are the least problematic although it can be a bit worrying when one goes past a little too close and you catch the ‘draught’. By and large though they have to wait for a gap in oncoming traffic anyway thanks to their size and so give you enough space, usually…!

The worst are cars and particularly vans who will overtake when things are coming the other way and give you a gap of about six inches at most. They are either inconsiderate idiots who think only of themselves or they are just so stupid they have no idea what they are doing.


Rob K:
What’s this? Cyclistnet? :unamused: This is trucknet (clue is in the title) :bulb: . There are plenty of cyclist forums to cater for rants/complaints/moans. :bulb:

The OP is asking about truck drivers that also cycle(clue is in the title) It seems quite a relevant question considering all the animosity between cyclists and truck drivers.
You clearly seem to have trouble understanding plain English.

I thought you had me on ignore, remember? :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: Fail.

I do a bit but not enough. Mainly off roading in epping forest but i find women in 4x4s and people carriers the worst on the road.

I cycle mainly on rural roads,Alot of car drivers have little idea of the width of their vehicle and consider the near side mirror as an ornament.

I only cycle on local roads and my biggest problem have been cyclists. There are several national cycle routes on the roads round us and gangs of them assume that I am following the blue signs and pull out in front of me or on one occasion surrounded me and then turned left when I was going straight on. I get out of the way of wagons as soon as I can, I have never had a problem with one though.

I did about 10 miles on narrow rural roads yesterday on my push bike.

Passed by 4 trucks, all showing great care.

Can’t say the same for all the car drivers, but the majority were OK.

Only one complete idiot, driving a big Yank pick-up.

In my experience of town and country cycling, truck drivers take the most care of cyclists.

Many cyclist’s problems are caused by attempts to make the roads ‘safer’ like traffic calming.

I used to pedal cycle down Stroud Rd in Gloucester, there was a cycle path (strip of tarmac) on the road, but what was dangerous were the central islands, which narrowed the road considerably. There would often be a car driver who would try to pass you through the narrow part of the road by the island. I used to ‘take the lane’ by riding wide on the approach to the island, then pull back to the kerb when through.

This required good rear observation and a bit of confidence…but being a motorcyclist too actually makes you a safer and more confident push-biker.

Giving clear signals is a big help too.

The worst road for cycling I have ever encountered was a downhill near a primary school at 8.45 am. Cars would stop in the middle of the road, all four doors would burst open, and kids would spill out in all directions followed by a fat, stupid mother, clutching bags etc.

I actually changed my commute times so I either passed before 8.30 or after 9 am in term time.

I jumped a red light today!

To give myself time to get away from the artic that was actually over the second line of the ASL.

Got buzzed by two kidz on scootz on the way home, giggling to myself at the fun they were having whilst half wishing I was on my Suzuki (Carryfast, you can sleep a little bit easier tonight, the Fireblade is sold and I’ve got myself a sensible-ish 600) so I could show the little buggers what leaning on someone really means :laughing:

Rob K:
What’s this? Cyclistnet? :unamused: This is trucknet (clue is in the title) :bulb: . There are plenty of cyclist forums to cater for rants/complaints/moans. :bulb:

You’re just posting any old crap. You’re also reporting anything you don’t like. I feel you are just posting to get a rise from other people . . . if you continue to be a concern or make more work for the team you’ll be on pre mod. Pay attention to what you are posting.

What goes around comes around. LMAO.

Most of my cycling is on cycle tracks and trails.

I’m forced to use the road at certain times, whether to get to the track / trail or it might have a road section joining 2 parts.

I rarely use my cycle on the road - very occasionally use it for work - because of the ignorance and arrogance of motorists who think that cycles (and horses usually) shouldn’t be on the road :unamused: and go out of their way to make life hell for the cyclist / rider.

I have ended up ripping more than 1 driver from his seat after he’s endangered me with his driving, not so funny when they’re being dragged from the car for a ‘chat’ though.


I’m also very interested in our interactions with other road users, who really are the biggest menaces to cyclists?

Cyclists are the biggest menace to them self’s why do you ride down the middle of the road when the government funded millions for cycle lanes

or think red lights don’t apply to you.

or can switch between the road, cycle lane or pavement when ever you feel like it (If you did that in a car or a truck you’ll end up in prison).

or try to squeeze though gaps you should then wonder why cars get ■■■■■■ at you for knocking there mirrors because they should of left a gap for you

I’m sure others can add to this list :stuck_out_tongue:

Why when cycle lanes are provided do you not use the bloody things and get off the road!! ■■■■■■ me off big time grrrrr…, :imp: