
Might not be the right place so if not pls feel free to move it …

My lads got an interview this week for an Apprentice HGV Technichian

just found out if he gets the job his pay will be a WHOPPING £ 107.20 a week for a 40hr week :open_mouth:
half of that will be used up in getting to and from work :unamused:

No wonder some kids of today don’t wanna go into industry.

£2.68 PER HOUR :open_mouth:

£2.68 PER HOUR :open_mouth:

yep NMW for an apprentice … Good job he lives with his old man cause at that rate his rent will be goin DOWN :cry:

This is why the engineering industry isn’t what it once was in this country. I believe the NMW for apprentices should be upped. 4 days of a 5 day week I worked at a factory doing exactly the same as the other staff who were on a good wage. It was only 1 day a week I went to college.

Quick update…

The lad had his interview and it went well.

Out of all that applied they short listed to 14 then to 7 for interviews so he got to the final 7.
Now he has to wait and see what happens next.

If he gets it they will eventually put him through his cat C.
He’ll spend the 1st year doing mainly servicing oil changes etc .
then up to get his MOT cert also electrical and Fridge engines etc .
so fingers x’d

I don’t know which area you live in mate but around here apprenticeships at small firms are not the best paid, but if you offset the benefits when your boy is qualified it kind of works it’s self out (even if the firm does get a government subsidy for taking these lads on)
My eldest boy started as an app mechanic on a low wage, he is now a technician at the Ford main dealer on a lot more money than me. My youngest lad is an apprentice spray painter and I keep telling him the end justifies the means.
It just means you have to subsidise him a bit longer :laughing: , which in the long run is a better option than him getting a dead end job (like driving :laughing: ) even if it is better paid initially.

When I first started my apprenticeship with DAF I was on £4 PH this went up to £5.50 in second year and £6:50 in third year until graduation different dealers payed differently but speaking to some of the other apprentices round the country this was average if not good i left a few months after graduation to go on the road and now earn he’ll of a lot more than I did in the garage and am much happier

I was on YTS when i started fitting.£28.50 then £35.00 a week plus bus fare expenses of about a tenner.Got to start some where. fully qualified mechanic and people still ask why i drive trucks. More money driving them.

Apprentices have always been on very low pay. Go back far enough and it was common for the parents to have to pay the employer to take on their son. £2.68/hr is the rate for an apprentice. The day at college each week is paid.

The general view is that the boy is just slave labour and the company charges full whack for anything he does. This is not exactly fair, because for most of the first year the lad is a hindrance to his ‘mentor’ . The job takes longer to do because everything has to be explained and demonstrated. Lots of lads can’t even sweep up properly, so they certainly can’t be trusted to complete a task properly; a lot of the time that is if you can even find them. Many haven’t got the foggiest idea that they could easily hurt themselves, or just how potentially dangerous a lot of the equipment and procedures can be, even when told some are either on cloud nine or just ignore what they’ve just heard. They need to be watched constantly - this is all non-productive time which has to be recouped somehow.

Get to the later years and some become over-ambitious, thinking they can do something they can’t and before you know it something expensive has gone clunk.

Not all are like this, but enough are, which is why things are as they are.

Anyway good luck to him. I hope he enjoys it. He will come to feel that he is doing something worthwhile.

My bus company are offering £347pw for apprenticeship new starts.
Go Ahead group, garages all over the UK.

My bus company are offering £347pw for apprenticeship new starts.
Go Ahead group, garages all over the UK.

do you know what collage they use for the training ■■

My bus company are offering £347pw for apprenticeship new starts.
Go Ahead group, garages all over the UK.

Apprentice mechanic or driver ?


My bus company are offering £347pw for apprenticeship new starts.
Go Ahead group, garages all over the UK.

Apprentice mechanic or driver ?


£347 Pw for an apprentice mechanic what a load of…
I did my apprentichip on £125 pw for 6 days and I was lucky to get that!, it’s horrible but you’ve just got to do it.

£347 Pw for an apprentice mechanic what a load of…
I did my apprentichip on £125 pw for 6 days and I was lucky to get that!, it’s horrible but you’ve just got to do it.

well the collage say £107 a week like in the O post which by the time he takes fuel out he’ll be left with not a lot.
Told him to see if he can get any top ups.i might have to get him to claim rent or something.

Unfortunately mate it’s just the way it is, everybody has got to start somewhere

Might not be the right place so if not pls feel free to move it …

My lads got an interview this week for an Apprentice HGV Technichian

just found out if he gets the job his pay will be a WHOPPING £ 107.20 a week for a 40hr week :open_mouth:
half of that will be used up in getting to and from work :unamused:

No wonder some kids of today don’t wanna go into industry.

Nick, think for a minute. Its alright everyone saying or thinking what he should get. But here it is, its an Apprentiship. That alone means they are going to learn him a trade and qualify him. When he starts he’ll know jack ■■■■ and probably will not earn them a penny at first. How much would you pay someone who knew ■■■■■■■■? Tell him to leave it to someone who wants to learn a trade. I’m certain there’ll be loads more apprentiship opportunites around the corner maybe paying £350/£400 a week, all he’s got to do is wait.


Might not be the right place so if not pls feel free to move it …

My lads got an interview this week for an Apprentice HGV Technichian

just found out if he gets the job his pay will be a WHOPPING £ 107.20 a week for a 40hr week :open_mouth:
half of that will be used up in getting to and from work :unamused:

No wonder some kids of today don’t wanna go into industry.

Nick, think for a minute. Its alright everyone saying or thinking what he should get. But here it is, its an Apprentiship. That alone means they are going to learn him a trade and qualify him. When he starts he’ll know jack [zb] and probably will not earn them a penny at first. How much would you pay someone who knew ■■■■■■■■? Tell him to leave it to someone who wants to learn a trade. I’m certain there’ll be loads more apprentiship opportunites around the corner maybe paying £350/£400 a week, all he’s got to do is wait.

I know Mike but £107.20 for 40hrs so 40quid is gone in fuel straight off. If he wasn’t living with me he’d be paying rent and all the other bills. I know what your saying but you can understand why kids don’t want to bother.
at the mo he works in the cinema 4 hr contract but earns around 500 700 pcm…



Might not be the right place so if not pls feel free to move it …

My lads got an interview this week for an Apprentice HGV Technichian

just found out if he gets the job his pay will be a WHOPPING £ 107.20 a week for a 40hr week :open_mouth:
half of that will be used up in getting to and from work :unamused:

No wonder some kids of today don’t wanna go into industry.

Nick, think for a minute. Its alright everyone saying or thinking what he should get. But here it is, its an Apprentiship. That alone means they are going to learn him a trade and qualify him. When he starts he’ll know jack [zb] and probably will not earn them a penny at first. How much would you pay someone who knew ■■■■■■■■? Tell him to leave it to someone who wants to learn a trade. I’m certain there’ll be loads more apprentiship opportunites around the corner maybe paying £350/£400 a week, all he’s got to do is wait.

I know Mike but £107.20 for 40hrs so 40quid is gone in fuel straight off. If he wasn’t living with me he’d be paying rent and all the other bills. I know what your saying but you can understand why kids don’t want to bother.
at the mo he works in the cinema 4 hr contract but earns around 500 700 pcm…

I don’t see anythings changed though Nick. I started as an apprentice mechanic and it was crap wages then, all my mates where on double what i was working in Pontins, Crusie ships waiting on etc… And as you say i could only do it because i was living at home. That was in 1978. Even now, University Students go into enourmous debt to get qualified, to end up with…?
There’s no easy way to get quals, training and maintain a full wage that i’m, aware of. If there was i’d of done it !! Well apart from getting a HGV licence.

£350-400pw for apprentice wages Mike? I suspect he may be waiting a long time.

I started my mechanics apprenticeship in 76/`77 for the princely top line of £10. Total stoppages 50p!!
As has been said, you are principally a clueless liability in year one, but if you savvy up and learn quickly you then become a very cheap, ■■■■ good earner for your employer. I was rebuilding rotary engines by year three, and the eye watering labour costs to the customer more than repaid the investment made in me by my employer. By this time I recall I was on a top line in the region of £21, and was very definitely being exploited. This seems to be the status quo, allbeit on a relative pay scale, but I think the kind of money you are suggesting is rather extravagant!