Apply at your peril


Apply what ?A-

blue estate:
Apply what ?A-


His old job I’m guessing.



. + . = •

Well made point.

I had a point but deleted it… Thank you please.

What happened did you type out a big rant…hit send then ■■■■ a brick because folk would read it and it would come back to haunt you :laughing:

I had a point but deleted it… Thank you please.

I saw it and you can stick that right up your…

Thanks for the heads up on “.” I’m planning to get back on the road next year and “.” was on my list of Co’s to apply to, I’ll avoid them like the plague now! :wink:

Dave Penn;

Hi Dave…Long time no see. Yeah avoid these morons like the plague. :laughing:

What happened did you type out a big rant…hit send then [zb] a brick because folk would read it and it would come back to haunt you :laughing:

Nah, I just felt some compassion to my fellow man.

Les Shoes:

I had a point but deleted it… Thank you please.

I saw it and you can stick that right up your…


Straight to the point.

What’s the pay, hours and what’s the company like to work for?

I’ve only been driving for 11 months so do they take on new drivers?

Hi Dave…Long time no see. Yeah avoid these morons like the plague. :laughing:

Hi Ade, I’m doing really good thanks :smiley: I’ve had a long course of the dreaded ‘treatment’ this year but at my 3 month post treatment monitoring appoint on Friday I was given the all clear :smiley: another 3 months with clear blood tests and the consultant says I can assume I’m cured :exclamation:
So all in all it looks like the Frontal Lobe Lobotomy was the way to go after all :laughing: :wink:

All the best mate
Dave Penn;

Brilliant news bud. :sunglasses:

Thanks Ade, much appreciated, if things go to plan I might be buying you a coffee at some point next year :slight_smile:

Dave Penn;