Apologies for video delays

Sorry for not having uploaded the latest instalments in my video saga. My laptop has had a hussy fit and deleted them. Thankfully I have the individual videos on a back up drive so I’m reassembling them as we speak. Thanking you!

Ah … i wondered what had happened :confused: thought something must have gone wrong. Looking forward to the next instalments.

Awe Luke …
Suppose we’ll let you off this time,
but just this once … :wink: :slight_smile:

Been waiting with bated breath for the next installment

Be thankful it was just that! I plugged in my external drive the other day and Time Machine had a little “moment” and deleted the whole ■■■■ thing, including the non backup files I’d just chucked on there!

To say I was annoyed is an understatement.

Really looking forward to the next vids though!


Just wondered what the latest on the videos is Switch? Been away all week without internet access and thought they rest of the vids might be up by now :frowning:, You still having problems mate?