as most of you know i like to make my opinions known when new regulations or changes to the industry i work within are in the offing.
i have this week received a reply from DVLA reference the proposed fee for smart cards.
Dear Mr Hunt
Digital Tachograph Fee Consultation
Thank you for responding to our consultation exercise issued on 21 December 2004.
438 consultation documents were issued and a total of 32 responses were received.
Nine of the respondents did not wish to comment on the consultation and two were happy with either option.
Only seven of the respondents stated a preference for either of the proposed fee structures.
Three chose Option one, which provides for some subsidy of driver’s fees by the companies, and four chose Option two, which provides for a greater degree of subsidising of the system by the driver.
There was also an opportunity in the consultation for respondents to declare that they did not support either proposal and 14 of them took this option.
The replies we had that were in favour of neither Option were mainly from drivers and their representative bodies.
In response, Ministers have decided that the fee structure set out in Option
One should be introduced.
The key benefit of this option is that it offers a fair distribution of the costs.
Although slightly more responses were in favour of Option two, the strength of feeling from those who favoured neither option on the basis that drivers should not be asked to pay a fee at all could not be ignored.
As Option one proposes lower fees for drivers it is felt that this can
be interpreted as the option representing the majority view.
The necessary legislation will be put in place as soon as possible.
all well and good and i was pleased to receive a reply which quite often is not the case but was really gets me is the fact that 438 consultation documents were sent out, a mere 438 - is it any wonder the industry is in such a mess and we get trampled on by government and europe at every opportunity.
then on top of that (as if that isn’t bad enough) only 32 responses were sent back, i have to wonder if i should just stick my head up my backside like most of the others in this industry? out of those respondents 9 did not wish to make a comment, what is the point of that?
if this is an example of how the industry deals with such legislation then we may as well drop our pants now, and get ready for more by this government, europe and anyone else that wants to have a go at our industry.
a quick look at the political parties manifesto’s should tell us all we need to know, not one single party (with the exception of snp) gives a mention to what they will do for road transport or the road transport and haulage industry, the answer must be to move to scotland and vote snp.
i have had to edit this because of my strong feelings regarding proposed legislation coming our way.
if something doesn’t make any sense it’s because i took out the swear words.