Apathy from agencies

Hi all I’ve been looking at this forum and finally joined today.I’m looking to start driving for someone after running my own trucks with operators licence since 1990 .Basically I’ve rang 3 bham agencies so far as such I have no experience of Artic work but have regularly driven my own wagon and drag .May I add deliveries to private houesolds too . I am very able to learn , practice etc but so far they were all very blunt with me as no 2 years experience!! I only really need 3 or so days a week but it seems not to be. Im far from thick and been driving trucks since 1988. I’m sure I could soon pick this up so don’t really get their apathy . I guess it would help if I did some rigid work and see what happens But I’m sure I could drive an artic after all I’ve had the licence nearly 23 yrs! Any ideas who will give me a break south bham , Midlands area thanks

Just get in your car and go round the various yards near where you are, or those you’d consider commuting to. Cut the parasitic agency aspect out and see if you can get something sorted out direct, it’s only a tank of fuel and a morning’s driving round is it not?

Hi all I’ve been looking at this forum and finally joined today.I’m looking to start driving for someone after running my own trucks with operators licence since 1990 .Basically I’ve rang 3 bham agencies so far as such I have no experience of Artic work but have regularly driven my own wagon and drag .May I add deliveries to private houesolds too . I am very able to learn , practice etc but so far they were all very blunt with me as no 2 years experience!! I only really need 3 or so days a week but it seems not to be. Im far from thick and been driving trucks since 1988. I’m sure I could soon pick this up so don’t really get their apathy . I guess it would help if I did some rigid work and see what happens But I’m sure I could drive an artic after all I’ve had the licence nearly 23 yrs! Any ideas who will give me a break south bham , Midlands area thanks

Firstly welcome, if you can drive a drawbar you can drive an arctic ,basically the majority of agencies are thieves criminals and liars with the odd exception, I see it as only right and proper to do the same and tell them you’re a dab hand on the artics, I would and so would most of the TNUK membership.

Yes I think you’re right. Just apprehensive of some knob sitting there giving me a crappy assessment. Feel I’d do much better on my jack Jones . Always hated being watched makes it ten times worse.

So you’ve spent roughly the last 25 years driving lorries, loading and unloading them, securing the load, finding deliveries, getting the defects repaired, dealing with customers, finding work for the vehicle, pricing a job, dealing with insurance matters etc etc - and the twot in the agency office reckons you haven’t got enough experience. So what experience has he got? - about 5 minutes of probably not picking up the phone beside his hand because he’s too busy tossing off.

as a driver who works for an agency i wouldnt mention it if you think youre competent to drive an artic (for me wag and drag are harder in anycase).

lets be honest if you go for an assessment its normally with another driver and you will either pass or fail, and a lot of artic drivers will fail some too.

Tell them that you will do 7.5 tonners and rigids to start with,once you have a few satisfied customers under your belt they will find a use for you.