Anyone worked for?

In reference to my post. Better late than never…

I’ve got the answer I need finally… Enjoy the rest of your weekend. :wink:

But all Robroy’s actually told you is to use some initiative and find out yourself? :neutral_face:
It’s not the answer to the question you posted?

Yes I did that but the company isn’t going to tell me what they’re like to work for are they. I’m not going to ask the gaffer that am Ic hence why I posted on here.

And you’re still waiting to get a current, or ex drivers experience of the firm…

But on the bright side we’ll be at 2 pages soon! :grimacing:

Why not?


No bother mate.

That was last night, finally found a phone box that nobody has ■■■■■■ in, so suit and varifocals today. :smiley:

Laughing cuz the original Superman movie was on ITV4+5x3 yesterday. I watched it as I was hanging from an SBS anniversary do I went to, long story but usual drill etc…

Anyway next time I watch it I will think of you Rob…

Laughing cuz the original Superman movie was on ITV4+5x3 yesterday. I watched it as I was hanging from an SBS anniversary do I went to, long story but usual drill etc…

Anyway next time I watch it I will think of you Rob…

:open_mouth: No offence here Dave, but after reading the theme of many of your posts, I’m not sure if I am comfortable with you ‘‘thinking of me’’ while watching one of your err movies mate, if you get my drift. :laughing:

Philip is a canny lad Haltwhistle born and bred. Started his own company after J D Crawfords shut down. He likes his pound of flesh but also pays you for it. Has a couple of new volvos also now. Works out of Egger hexham and does recycled woodchip back to hexham. Has some lads worked for him for ages but some leave quite quickly. It’s a dirty job on chip liners.

Philip is a canny lad Haltwhistle born and bred. Started his own company after J D Crawfords shut down. He likes his pound of flesh but also pays you for it. Has a couple of new volvos also now. Works out of Egger hexham and does recycled woodchip back to hexham. Has some lads worked for him for ages but some leave quite quickly. It’s a dirty job on chip liners.

Thanks for the update, I’ve been in touch with Philip on messenger since, he seems spot on. I’ll see what happens.

Wish you well, it’s a dirty job that’s all but he’s changed and has better quality gear now. Unlike some people I do know him, and worked out of Egger like him.

Have they sorted that ballicks of a weighbridge@ Egger yet??
Some “handlin’s” drivers coming round the front of factory and pushing in front of men waiting unseen round the corner!!!

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