Anyone tried an ActiveFreddie?

I know Tesco have some, and now this guy has one

Anyone here driven a truck with one on? Any noticeable difference?

Tests have shown that a tractor fitted with ActivFreddie can deliver an 11 per cent fuel saving when pulling a 4.95m refrigerated trailer at 50 mph, compared to an identical unit fitted with a fixed deflector.

That seems just like the exaggerated claims made for the so called fuel economy devices that were all the rage in the 80s.

I suspect the claim is accurate as far as it goes, and it will make those fuel savings at a 50 mph cruise.

But it probably will save very little when the truck operated at lower speeds or accelerating, which is when more fuel is used to overcome rolling resistance, inertia and internal mechanical drag.

So, depending on the type of work the truck is doing, it might save from perhaps 1 to 5 per cent over a typical working day.

A better system than that to work on the same set up would be as follows:

"Run a length of pipe from the belly tank of any standard fridge trailer into the fuel intake system of the tractor engine.
If your tanks are dipped at any stage, only white diesel is found.
The only noticeable effect is having to re-fill the trailer more often than the tractor!"

:smiley: :laughing: :stuck_out_tongue:

Now this wouls save around 57p per litre I believe… It’s illegal of course, but so should running drivers bent so they kill people whilst half-asleep around the country too, so perhaps a blind eye can be turned to the trivial matter by comparison of cutting costs at no one’s life expense hmm? :smiling_imp:

I used to know an Active Freddie…

I used to know an Active Freddie…

You called? :smiley: