Anyone pass their test in Chelmsford?

Hi all,

As mentioned I’ve got class 1 training and test with Flair. So that’ll be in Chelmsford,
I just wondered if anyone took their test in the area, can you give any advice on the routes, and generally things to look out for/ roundabouts etc.

I’ve posted this in both forums coz I’m after advice and some people don’t bother with the newbie section, discrimination lol :grimacing:

I’m just trying to prepare as much as possible, as anyone would!

Cheers and appreciate any feedback


Can’t help you with Chelmsford, but a bit of advice - just take your time it’s not a race to get around. I found with most trainers they put too much emphasis on getting you up to speed, when you don’t have the experience to drive like that. Car drivers (and people in general), especially in commuter belt areas (Chelmsford…), are inconsiderate and arrogant. Their actions will cause you to fail unless you take control of the situation and stay calm. The test rule with roundabouts is that YOU MUST NOT CAUSE A VEHICLE ON A ROUNDABOUT TO BRAKE - it’s an instant fail. In the real world as an HGV driver you’d never get round without causing a car to break because they race round them and with 44t on even when it’s clear when you enter they are on you before you get any speed up. However for you, on test, you’ve got to stay calm and wait and wait and wait for that moment when you can enter without causing a vehicle to brake.

I took my test in Chelmsford,
but that was 31 years ago & it has changed a lot since then.

There used to be 2 main test routes, one went down the A12 towards Brentwood, came off & went round some country roads, then back & through the town (I did this)
The other went up the A12, past Witham, and came off around Kelvedon,

Since then the old A 12 has been ben bypassed, so no idea where they go now. There is an instructor/driving school lives near me - K&W and daughters, or something like that, from Latchingdon,
He should know the test routes - and I think he gets on here sometimes, my be worth a searh of the forums & pm him??

As has been said before, just take your time, there is no rush,
You want it over as quickly as possible, but taking your time will lessen the chance of a silly mistake or getting into a harsh brake situation

Best of luck mate !!

Cheers Toddy and Tris, hopefully I’ll have some good news on the 19th :sunglasses:


just take your time it’s not a race to get around. I found with most trainers they put too much emphasis on getting you up to speed

No it is not a race and I sure your instructor will have told you about speed on a driving test. Maybe what Tris does not realise is that one of the biggest fail points is driving too slowly. Some drivers probably because of nerves tend to slow down when out with an examiner and become over cautious.
Drive as you would with your instructor. If the road is clear and it is safe get up to the speed limit but if it is busy etc keep your speed down and keep up the good observation.

If you ask your instructor I am sure he will confirm what I have said.

Good luck.

just take your time it’s not a race to get around. I found with most trainers they put too much emphasis on getting you up to speed

No it is not a race and I sure your instructor will have told you about speed on a driving test. Maybe what Tris does not realise is that one of the biggest fail points is driving too slowly. Some drivers probably because of nerves tend to slow down when out with an examiner and become over cautious.
Drive as you would with your instructor. If the road is clear and it is safe get up to the speed limit but if it is busy etc keep your speed down and keep up the good observation.

If you ask your instructor I am sure he will confirm what I have said.

Good luck.

I’m not saying don’t get up to speed when it’s safe to do so, more gently does it in the town itself. I’ve been going up and down in that area most days since Christmas delivering pea seed to farms, and as I’m sure you’ll agree Essex has more than its fair share of ignorant commuters and clueless women drivers in Chelsea tractors to deal with. They’ll stitch you up at roundabouts given half the chance so just be aware. Once you’ve passed you can split the lanes on roundabout entries to stop the ■■■■■■■ squeezing in beside you.

Once you’ve passed you can split the lanes on roundabout entries to stop the [zb] squeezing in beside you.

You can do that on a test as well if necessary. I am sure his instructor will give him the best advice.

Tris is right - they do stitch you up on roundabouts and yes driving on test is neither safe or realistic, end of the story - that is just how it is.

You have to do wrong things just to get licence to do things right with current system.

Once you’ve passed you can split the lanes on roundabout entries to stop the [zb] squeezing in beside you.

You can do that on a test as well if necessary. I am sure his instructor will give him the best advice.

NO, you are not allowed on certain places that counts as minor or fail - rule (how they interpret it) says - If you can do it within your own lane you MUST do it within your own lane without crossing into other lane.

Don’t advise BS to people on forum!!! There is already too much BS advises on this forum…

Tris is right - they do stitch you up on roundabouts and yes driving on test is neither safe or realistic, end of the story - that is just how it is.

You have to do wrong things just to get licence to do things right with current system.

There’s a left turn onto the A47 (by the Catholic Church) off the A563 Leicester southern ring road. You can, just, do it by staying in the left turn lane (most Hgv drives unfamiliar with the area stay in lane), but you’re taking a risk with not a lot of space between your arse end and the curb (with railings) and the traffic light on you right. In a test I dare say you would be expected to observe your lane discipline, but in the real world I just split the lanes before I turn left and there’s no drama.

The bloke who took me out after I’d passed gave me some spot on advice. “Command the road”. If you don’t and let car drivers start dictating to you you’ll end up in pickle.

Dan Bear 87:
Hi all,

As mentioned I’ve got class 1 training and test with Flair. So that’ll be in Chelmsford,
I just wondered if anyone took their test in the area, can you give any advice on the routes, and generally things to look out for/ roundabouts etc.

I’ve posted this in both forums coz I’m after advice and some people don’t bother with the newbie section, discrimination lol :grimacing:

I’m just trying to prepare as much as possible, as anyone would!

Cheers and appreciate any feedback


You could try asking this in the Newbie forum - they have actual instructors on there and that’s what it’s for.

I’m surprised to find that Flair is still going as the owner said he’d be selling up a few months ago. Did he find a buyer?

Good luck fella, let us know how you do with Flair as I’d thought about using them in the future…

As for Chelmsford…lets hope you don’t get the Army an Navy in its current state on test day :laughing:

Good luck fella, let us know how you do with Flair as I’d thought about using them in the future…

As for Chelmsford…lets hope you don’t get the Army an Navy in its current state on test day :laughing:

I’ve had to drive through that junction a couple of times in an artic recently (was using the old A12, now A138 I think). Didn’t go through at peak time, so no great delay.

I took my test in Chelmsford in 2010. It too was with Flair - and John will teach you the routes as the test requires. I can vouch for Johns training methods - as good. I had a guy who was a total spanner on my class 2 - he passed ( god knows how!!!) which I put down to johns training.

The only advice - which I put into practice - which was the reason for going to Chelmsford, was that you should take it somewhere that you havent driven to before. The reason given for this is that you are not familiar with the roads, and presumably less likey to make stupid mistakes - most of which we all see every week ( low bridge strikes and weight limits etc) which you MAY do in your home town.

Best of the british luck to you in your quest.

Their actions will cause you to fail unless you take control of the situation and stay calm. The test rule with roundabouts is that YOU MUST NOT CAUSE A VEHICLE ON A ROUNDABOUT TO BRAKE - it’s an instant fail

Let me put you right Tris as you do not seem to know very much about driving tests. Firstly no other driver will cause you to fail.
You are the only one that can cause yourself to fail. If you take the appropriate action at a roundabout you will not fail.

Secondly it is not an instant fail if you cause a vehicle to brake on a roundabout. Whoever told you that has misinformed you.

Dan take my advice and listen to what your instructor says. If he is properly qualified he will explain how it all works at roundabouts.


Once you’ve passed you can split the lanes on roundabout entries to stop the [zb] squeezing in beside you.

You can do that on a test as well if necessary. I am sure his instructor will give him the best advice.

NO, you are not allowed on certain places that counts as minor or fail - rule (how they interpret it) says - If you can do it within your own lane you MUST do it within your own lane without crossing into other lane.

Don’t advise BS to people on forum!!! There is already too much BS advises on this forum…

So kyk are you another one that knows nothing? Please tell me how much experience you have with driver training and driving tests.

I worked in the training industry for 20 years both as an instructor and examiner. I came on here because someone asked for advice and I gave them sound advice. Now you tell me why I am talking bull?

You have to do wrong things just to get licence to do things right with current system.

This must be one of the most stupid statements I have ever read on here. Please tell me how you pass your test by doing things wrong?

I recently did my class 1 test and thankfully passed first time. I’d agree with what Albion has stated about speed. I was unfortunate enough to have snow, black ice ect on the roads on my test. Having driven the test route an hour prior to test I was aware at how treacherous the road was. Hence proceeding with a level of caution whilst out on test ment I did not get up to speed on some roads. For this the examiner was keen to give me minors on progression. Having explained my caution he wasn’t interested and only wanted to have seen me hit the speed limit. Clearly he’d never driven an attic before

Having explained my caution he wasn’t interested and only wanted to have seen me hit the speed limit. Clearly he’d never driven an attic before

Holding a HGV licence is not requirement on HGV examinor job adverts:wink: (Have to edit this - apparently they require to have licence, but advertisements don’t say that :slight_smile: )
The same as experience of driving HGV… (Not to be Edited - True)
The same as ability of driving HGV… (Not to be Edited - True)

I recently did my class 1 test and thankfully passed first time. I’d agree with what Albion has stated about speed. I was unfortunate enough to have snow, black ice ect on the roads on my test. Having driven the test route an hour prior to test I was aware at how treacherous the road was. Hence proceeding with a level of caution whilst out on test ment I did not get up to speed on some roads. For this the examiner was keen to give me minors on progression. Having explained my caution he wasn’t interested and only wanted to have seen me hit the speed limit. Clearly he’d never driven an attic before

Thanks for agreeing with me but I afraid your examiner did hold a C+E licence. It is not possible to test someone unless you have the category yourself.

What would happen if for some reason your test had to be terminated. Do you think the examiner would be expected to drive back without the appropriate licence?