Anyone need an FH centre floor carpet? … :IT&ih=015

are you using gold plated wrappig paper for the postage? £9 :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

mines cleaner than that one?

If urs is cleaner than mine then u wont be needing it then! Will u?

As for postage, thats a fair representation of the cost i will incurr in packaging, getting it to the post office and postage, again, if its to expensive then you won’t be bidding!!!

Must be a long way to the post office !!!

:laughing: :laughing:

I thought i might need one but i’ve got to drive an FM all week :exclamation:
I mean what sought of ■■■■■■■■ firm would send a driver out tramping all week in a piece of [zb] :exclamation:

auto censor dodge removed…Denis F

Ya kiddin right?

You’ve been spoilt!!

They’re pieces of [zb], an FH i can handle a bit of street cred, i drove a fm last week 200k in a day and aged 10 years :exclamation:
I can’t even stand upright in the pieces of *&^%$494949

2nd auto censor dodge in this thread removed, please re-read the rules you agreed to when you signed up…Denis F

a bit of street cred

lol thats what its all about is it?

How many tattoo’s you got? pmsl :unamused:

I mean what sought of ■■■■■■■■ firm would send a driver out tramping all week in a piece of [zb] :exclamation:

The " *&^%$494949 " firm that you work for, evidently. :wink:

Yep they ■■■■ big time :angry: