anyone know ???

or if you’re feeling flush you could buy one here … 01048.html

They used to come standard with Mercs.
I guess if you ask any fleet driver with a Merc,he will have one in his kit and never use it.

they still do,and a nice flashy light thing that you are ment to put behind your truck to warn others when you have broken down,which with the axors we have got is quite often. :slight_smile:

busy fool:
anyone know where i can get a truck tyre inflator that works off your air tanks or air line connection.
i used to have one in my cab but its dissapeared, tried looking on ebay done a google search but cant seem to find one anywhere. maybe they dont make/sell them anymore any help appreciated

Got 2 of them ,what on Ebay lying in the workshop, feeling generous today, PM me your address and i will send you 1 for free
