Anyone know who?

hi to all at trucknet uk!
Have just joined whilst sat at home waitin for a new family member to arrive,ive been driving europe for 12 years now working for companies such as cranleigh freieght,macburnie(witney),S&J pierce and since relocating to yorkshire in 05 sewell distribution doin spain,whilst runnin in spain ive seen a dark blue super space with i think www.pennykidd on the side of cab it also has scottish flags on it the truck appears to be registered in the cadiz area of spain.Any info on who runs this truck would be much appreciated as im looking to relocate to that area of spain in the near future, or indeed any other brits runnin from that end of :sunglasses: the coast.

Welcome to TN Steve and hopefully you can get the info you need .

Just an idea but G&S used to have an office down at chippiona, they might still have i’m not sure.

I’m sure they had a couple of drivers living down there so could be one of them started with his own motor.


Hi guys thanks for the welcome

Neil you could be right about the G & S connection as i forgot about them having an office down there, will ask the next G & S driver i bump into if he knows anything? met an ex G & S man and wife team not so long back now driving for paconsa and living in murcia.

Carr Brothers used to send a double man crew out there, and they had their time off while someone tipped and loaded their trailer, not sure if they still do it now though, dont know for sure, but think they used to changeover at Madrid?

Yeh as far as i know carr brothers still do a change over at burgos (victors) think one of there guys has got a place just up the road so not a bad job for him i reckon. :sunglasses:

I met this driver on brittany ferries he is a scottish owner driver staying in spain runs to scotland and uk regularly

his name is ross pennykidd he does have a website

Ross has the last I heard 2 vehicles and uses the Bilbao ferry a fair bit.
A straight talking Scotsman says what he thinks and a is fair minded person I have met him now a couple of times.

:grimacing: :wink: :wink: