Anyone know who to talk to regards power station fly ash?

Hi folks, as title suggests, just gonna price up and see if there’s anything available pulling fly ash out of the power stations? Is it the stations directly I’d talk to, British gypsum? Or a handler like ceva, dhl? Thanks in advance, I liked the work when I was a driver on it, lookin at pricing it up?
Thanks again
Matt Wood

More like sherwoods

Thanks Dan, as in Fred sherwood? Don’t know anything of them, do they do all sorts? Are they a primary contractor for them who have lots of subbies?
Thanks in advance
Matt wood

fly ash bloody pain to blow :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp:

To blow? What’s that Si?

At one time you needed to get the moisture / mix right or take your shovel with ya .

Hi MattWoodTransport

Fly ash at fiddlers ferry is thru Hargreaves/Carefoot ! Done many a load to Hanson Clitheroe and Padeswood !

Regards John

Thanks john and u other guys, any other info that follows, thanks in advance
Matt Wood

Why do a lot of newbies think that if they see trucks pulling out of jobs that there will be work there,it takes know how but more important know who to get on most jobs. :open_mouth: :confused: :slight_smile:

Why do a lot of newbies think that if they see trucks pulling out of jobs that there will be work there,it takes know how but more important know who to get on most jobs. :open_mouth: :confused: :slight_smile:


It’s hard to get the contacts, takes years in some cases, and then some newbies ask on here and expect established hauliers to give away contacts so they can be undercut :unamused: :unamused: :unamused:

Why do a lot of newbies think that if they see trucks pulling out of jobs that there will be work there,it takes know how but more important know who to get on most jobs. :open_mouth: :confused: :slight_smile:

i was thinking this myself, i dont wish to ■■■■ on mattwoods bonfire but he seems to have the idea that when he puts a truck on the road there will be work readily available, if that was the case everybody would be having ago

It doesn’t take long to get on as a subbie for sherwoods or George Varneys they advertise for subbies ,there’s not a cat in hells chance of calling at the power station gatehouse on the off chance though .

Not at all chaps, and if I’ve mistaken this forum for truckers helping each other then apologies. I never ask for nothing that isn’t already in the public domain. And as for newbies? Undercutting? You’ll never catch me running about stabbing folks in the back trying to work for nothing.
I’m articulate, driven, and experienced in phoning firms, acquiring contracts and all that I might need. However, if someone can save me 30 mins signposting me in the right direction then great, and again, I repeat, with public info.
I was as protective as anyone else with my business in all my previous ventures, but they did watch were I was going, did think it was easy to be driving what I drive and live in the house I live in, but in reality, it wasn’t.
I’ll make my own contacts, weather it’s with you guys, subbing to some of you, or working out the same yards, but yet again, as loud as I can state it, I’m not expecting to rifle through your office, diary etc etc etc
And as always, anyone that’s constructive I thank you in advance,your favours arnt wasted on me.
Matt Wood

Matt, least you haven’t come on here asking about containers!!! :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

You have it right enough dude. Just sub each way direct for the firms mentioned then you can keep your ears open as to what else might be worth doing on your todd. As an owner driver you will not get direct work from Power Stations on this work as you know without a contract & 50 motors.

Owner driving is a mine field which has sunk many a bright fellow. For the few it’s a good gig though, be careful whatever you decide & look at where the knock will come from every day.

Lomas seems to have a lot of this work sown up

I was as protective as anyone else with my business in all my previous ventures, but they did watch were I was going, did think it was easy to be driving what I drive and live in the house I live in, but in reality, it wasn’t.

so by the sounds of that you have been pretty successful in other areas so why venture into the potential minefield that is owning and operating a truck ?

Thanks silver surfer, much prefer a positive response.
Regards having a truck, iv a itch of just wanting a truck, with a degree of responsibility and need more of a challenge than just a steering wheel attendant.
I could prob satisfy it with working with guys who actually gave a fork instead of wasting diesel, their time, my time and generally not giving a shirt cos it ain’t there money.
Basically , iv never found the right firm I’d want to be an employee for, so going the other route is prob my only other option. As regards minefield, it’s no more than any other self employment, which is all iv ever known. I like driving trucks at the mo.
Whether it’s by chance or judgement or luck, I enjoy what ever I’m doing at the time and live comfortably, although that’s relative to everyone.
Come February/April, if everything stays as it is now , I will av sold my last two houses.
So i may become an owner driver, or just on the agency for another sure my time will come.
So again as always, Thanks to all, for all you’ve advised, and thanks in advance for anything in the future,
Good luck and a prosporous happy new year to all
Matt Wood

Same to you mate and good luck whichever way you decide to go with it