Anyone know where I tipped on wednesday?

Not your run of the mill RDC or industrial estate this time but never the less there are still quite a few wagons in & out of this place. Any ideas anyone?

pic 1 looks like Newstead Abbey in Nottinghamshire

not sure about the second pic, unless it is the rear entrance

pic 1 looks like Newstead Abbey in Nottinghamshire

not sure about the second pic, unless it is the rear entrance

Number two looks familiar RAF or something military

Sorry both way out I’m afraid,pic’ 1 is the way in & out from the main road (a “B” road) although it isn’t classed as a “b” road for about a mile & a half section in the middle where the driveway to the entrance gates in pic 2 are. It definitely isn’t or to my knowledgeever has been military (unless they used it during one of the wars).

Long shot… Tatton Park, Cheshire??

Right lines,wrong area,clue…It’s famous for its Deer population

Right lines,wrong area,clue…It’s famous for its Deer population

No idea. . . sorry. . somebody had to say it :blush:

Right lines,wrong area,clue…It’s famous for its Deer population

so would it be a royal park in londonshire :wink: :wink:

Got to be regents park then,am i right?
regards dave.

Richmond Park?

You got it Martin, it’s the goods inwards for the parks department & pretty busy it is too despite it’s appearence