Anyone know how to

program the night heater on a Scania?

The box is mounted on the OS on the side over the bunk and is detachable.

Any help would be appreciated.

When you take the control out of its socket, look on the back and there is a simple ‘idiots guide’ - don’t take offense; it’s how I sussed it!! :blush: :blush:

there are a few instructions on the back of the timer if you pull it out of the holder but it is quite complicated and you really need the night heater section in the handbook folder which I take it is missing from your truck.

Can’t remember the programming without looking it up but, heat adjustment is by holding in the top middle button and then the bottom left. The display then changes to a number. 1-9. use the bottom left and right buttons to adjust the heat. 4 or 5 is normally about the right temperature.

When you take the control out of its socket, look on the back and there is a simple ‘idiots guide’ - don’t take offense; it’s how I sussed it!! :blush: :blush:

You hit the nail on the head there Marcus, it’s an idiots guide and I’m not an idiot so how am I supposed to know what it means eh ■■?

Will have a look at the back, hadn’t thought of that, just knew it came out… :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

It takes a 9v battery and if it has not got one in will clear its self and the clock goes back to 0000

dont steal the one out the smoke alarm at home :laughing: :laughing:

You can’t switch the night heater on with the control box in your hand BTW. It has to be fitted back into its holder, but you can programme it to come on at a later time.
To switch the night heater on straight away, hold down the outside two buttons on the top row. I think they have arrow heads on then like <<< and >>>.

You can also switch on the radio, for 30 mins at a time with that control box too, with the ignition off. So if you want to listen to the radio as you drop off to sleep or waiting at an rdc where they keep your keys, you can. I’m pretty sure it was Krankee posted the instructions on how to do that (I can’t remember how now). Its too late for me to try and find the post for you now as well…

to switch the heater on press and hold the right hand top button untill you see heat flashing on the screen to adjust the temp press and hold at thh same time the big one on the top row and bottom left button.
to turn the radio on press and hold the heat button and the one underneath for 3 seconds this will turn the radio on for 30 mins at a time it you want to program it there is a leaflet on it that should be available for scania workshops or maybe discopete can link to a pdf manual

Right I have got a copy of the night heater manual (the one in the drivers handbook) on my computer downloaded from scania’s technical website

If anyone wants a copy PM me your e-mail address and i’ll forward it on to you

To switch the night heater on straight away, hold down the outside two buttons on the top row. I think they have arrow heads on then like <<< and >>>.

Ooops :blush: :blush: , sorry.

Well it has been quite some time and many night heaters used to switch on that way.