Anyone heard of these?

I wasn’t quick enough to get a pic, but has anyone heard of a company called

Iberian Maritime Lines (I think?)

operating around Ipswich/Felix area?

They seem to do containers, it was a very smart Scania V8 unit - very similar looking to a lot of the Dutch wagons pictured on I think it was on foreign plates?

The above site in itself is a cool site for pictures/vid clips.


I will ask my son to keep a look out and get some info as he drives for one of the local Suffolk firms.

Its a BVBA motor, one of Gary Banhams from Mendlesham,

Thanks chaps, that makes sense - I thought I recognised the colour scheme now you mention it - it was blue and white.

That’s a very similar one…found on the web (c) Trucksandbuses

They’ve been shut down more times than you can shake a stick at for running bent and overweight. The company is/was called Romantiek BVBA Iberian Maritime Lines, like you say, and run on Belgian plates.