Anyone have any tips on reversing blind

as title please im having some little probs atm !!! :confused: :frowning:

dont rush and plenty of shunts till your nearly straight dont worry about everyonewaiting you will be in more trouble if you rush and whack another lorry
the big one is…
other drivers will try and make you feel small and rush you dont worry when i first started i was on contract to bonar cartons in leeds and some of their bays are really tight one day a driver was trying to be clever telling me how to get on this bay which was really tight anyway he said " dont worry you will get the hang off it one day " then when it was his turn it took him 9 shunts so that made me laugh.

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

avoid it like the plague :smiling_imp:

i’m not looking forward too my first go, have enough trouble reversing good sided

Take what shunts you need but more importantly, GET OUT AND LOOK!

If possible try and position the rig in a straight line but at 45 degrees to the area you want to reverse into but about 4 metres forward, get yourself a mental picture of your blind side, wind on full right lock and as the rig has moved about two metres back start to slowly wind the lock off back through the straight ahead position then to the left to make the unit follow the trailer. Only your judgement will tell you if you are turning too quickly or not quickly enough based on the site your manouvering in, if not sure, GET OUT AND LOOK AGAIN, and again, and again, if it does not go right go back to the start position and try again, dont try and correct a correction, but get used to making the unit dance to get the trailer where you want it. It’ll come with practice.

i’ll go along with CM sounds about right to me. Like he says Get Out And Look.
I pick up at a place where you can do it both blind and so you can see, I always do it blind so I can practice at a place I know. This was suggested to me by a more experienced driver and it pays off.

:slight_smile: Apart from the above, firstly you need to have you mirrors set correctly. If when you’re straight you can see more than a skim of the trailer then they are not set correctly, get them out til they are, then you have a chance of seeing whats going on. As has been said, doing a blindside, the ideal angle is about 45 degrees bend or less. Practice on empty marked bays, you know with white lines painted, you’ can then learn to feed the whole lot in. :wink:

Im one of those odd people who can do a blind side reverse fine, but give me a straighforward reverse onto a bay with acres of room & perfect visability, & you can guarantee I will mess it up! :confused:
The main things to remember are…
Dont rush
Get out & check
Dont rush
Get out & check
Dont rush
Get out & check!! :wink:

Open your eye’s :laughing: :laughing:

:smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

I was thinking along similar lines:

Don’t run over your guide dog. :wink:

thanks for the info guys N gals …turns out i did indeed have my eyes shut …silly me !!. :laughing:

Another thing…

Avoid, where possible, having to make a sharp turn as the view in the mirror just becomes a ‘wall’ of trailer. By keeping a more constant, but less acute angle, you will be able to keep both the rear of the vehicle/trailer and where you’re going, in view.

As with all reversing manoeuvers the golden rules are ‘little & often’ (steering), keep the speed down (the ‘old crusty’s’ rarely say “he was slow” but they often say “see how many shunts he took!”) and most importantly, G O A L !! (Get Out And Look). :unamused:

Like some one already said, practice on a painted bay, so long as the others each side are empty!! :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :laughing: :laughing:

tip for reverseing blind side yep DONT DO IT !!!

tip for reverseing blind side yep DONT DO IT !!!

:open_mouth: Is that Don’t, won’t or can’t ■■ :confused: :slight_smile: Some places you might have to go there is no choice in the matter. :slight_smile:

good point should dont do it unless you have to :laughing: :laughing:

Don’t bother going for a driving assessment for Marks & Spencer.
Blind siding is something they’re really hot on.
At Hemel they will fail you if you can’t do it in about 2 or 3 goes.
Doesn’t matter how long you’ve been driving either.

Just loads of practice, do it every time you don’t need to if there is nothing in the way, otherwise when you have to do it, you will be struggling.

Dont just concentrate on the passenger mirrors either, keep an eye on the front of your trailer at your side, and keep an eye on the angle of the unit.

Dont forget the back of the unit, as that might hit something as you straighten up.

I have to do blind side reverses in most premises, thats the advantage of having a left hand drive truck :confused:

I actually struggle more when I try to drive my car now :stuck_out_tongue: