Anyone got a wavebox microwave

Hi just looking to buy a microwave oven for the cab as we are banned from using gas stoves ect in the wagon.Just wondering if anyone had used a wavebox and wondering if they are any good.If i do get one it will be wired direct to the batteries.

If your employer has banned you from using gas stoves in the cab then he should pay for a microwave - or put you up in a hotel. Bloody cheek if you ask me.

stobarts ban gas stoves but pays you £12.00 a day meal allowance.

Hi I’m looking at getting one of these aswell, I will get mine wired direct to the batts, it even comes with the cable for you to do it…Not bad for £133

If your employer has banned you from using gas stoves in the cab then he should pay for a microwave - or put you up in a hotel. Bloody cheek if you ask me.

Well i managed to blow myself up using a gas stove in the cab(40% burns, 10 weeks in hospital ,18 months off work)hence the ban :cry:
So was looking at this microwave ,instead of buying an inverter and cheap microwave,unless i can get a 1000w inverter and microwave for the same price.

you can get an 1000w inverter from maplins for £79.99 but i think it is the amps it needs to be min 20amps for them to work…thats why I have not got one yet need to sort out the amps.

you can get an 1000w inverter from maplins for £79.99 but i think it is the amps it needs to be min 20amps for them to work…thats why I have not got one yet need to sort out the amps.

1000w/24v = I make that 40-ish amps. BUT, bear in mind that microwave ovens use substantially more power than their advertised cooking power. For example, mine claims 750w output but it’s plated input power is, I believe, about 1200w. Added to that unless you get a (very expensive) true sine-wave inverter, you’ll probably find that the microwave’s cooking power is reduced further, and things take longer to cook.

Yes, I’ve been here before :sunglasses:



If your employer has banned you from using gas stoves in the cab then he should pay for a microwave - or put you up in a hotel. Bloody cheek if you ask me.

Well i managed to blow myself up using a gas stove in the cab(40% burns, 10 weeks in hospital ,18 months off work)hence the ban :cry:
So was looking at this microwave ,instead of buying an inverter and cheap microwave,unless i can get a 1000w inverter and microwave for the same price.

You work on the general where I work Scotty?

Me on VM



If your employer has banned you from using gas stoves in the cab then he should pay for a microwave - or put you up in a hotel. Bloody cheek if you ask me.

Well i managed to blow myself up using a gas stove in the cab(40% burns, 10 weeks in hospital ,18 months off work)hence the ban :cry:
So was looking at this microwave ,instead of buying an inverter and cheap microwave,unless i can get a 1000w inverter and microwave for the same price.

You work on the general where I work Scotty?

Me on VM

Yeah i also work for them ,just got back down the road after being stuck in the warehouse for a month.


1000w/24v = I make that 40-ish amps. BUT, bear in mind that microwave ovens use substantially more power than their advertised cooking power. For example, mine claims 750w output but it’s plated input power is, I believe, about 1200w. Added to that unless you get a (very expensive) true sine-wave inverter, you’ll probably find that the microwave’s cooking power is reduced further, and things take longer to cook.

The wave box are 12v only, would this make a difference? IF A 1000W Inverter worked like that then it would be easier to just buy a cheap £20 microwave and use that, wouldn’t it■■? :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused:


1000w/24v = I make that 40-ish amps. BUT, bear in mind that microwave ovens use substantially more power than their advertised cooking power. For example, mine claims 750w output but it’s plated input power is, I believe, about 1200w. Added to that unless you get a (very expensive) true sine-wave inverter, you’ll probably find that the microwave’s cooking power is reduced further, and things take longer to cook.

The wave box are 12v only, would this make a difference? IF A 1000W Inverter worked like that then it would be easier to just buy a cheap £20 microwave and use that, wouldn’t it■■? :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused:

Think the wavebox can run on 12 and 24v

Think the wavebox can run on 12 and 24v

Apparently so. Although the UK site ( doesn’t mention 24v anywhere - probably something to check! I’ve also noticed that the US site claims “660w of cooking power” when directly connected to the battery, and “235w of cooking power” using a vehicle socket, whilst on it says “Output Power: 425W AC/Direct connect to battery. 110W vehicle power outlet.” I’m pretty sure the latter will be true.

Regarding the inverter option, the 1000W model I found on Maplin (for a 12v input - the only 24v one on their site is 300W) is listed as £139.99 - more than the Wavebox, but still pretty cheap as inverters go. Due to the current requirements and potential for nasty things happening, it probably ought to be installed by a professional - especially on a commercial vehicle, if only to satisfy the H&S peeps - which would increase the cost further.

In summary, I’ve no personal experience with the Wavebox, but assuming it isn’t a bad product per se, I think it’s likely to be the best choice if all you want is a mobile microwave. If, on the other hand, you want a permanently installed setup that you can use for cooking, powering the laptop/TV/dishwasher and whatever else, go for an inverter of at least 1500w and a mains-powered microwave.


p.s. I don’t have a dishwasher in the truck (yet), but as soon as I figure out the plumbing…


Think the wavebox can run on 12 and 24v

Apparently so. Although the UK site ( doesn’t mention 24v anywhere - probably something to check! I’ve also noticed that the US site claims “660w of cooking power” when directly connected to the battery, and “235w of cooking power” using a vehicle socket, whilst on it says “Output Power: 425W AC/Direct connect to battery. 110W vehicle power outlet.” I’m pretty sure the latter will be true.

Regarding the inverter option, the 1000W model I found on Maplin (for a 12v input - the only 24v one on their site is 300W) is listed as £139.99 - more than the Wavebox, but still pretty cheap as inverters go. Due to the current requirements and potential for nasty things happening, it probably ought to be installed by a professional - especially on a commercial vehicle, if only to satisfy the H&S peeps - which would increase the cost further.

In summary, I’ve no personal experience with the Wavebox, but assuming it isn’t a bad product per se, I think it’s likely to be the best choice if all you want is a mobile microwave. If, on the other hand, you want a permanently installed setup that you can use for cooking, powering the laptop/TV/dishwasher and whatever else, go for an inverter of at least 1500w and a mains-powered microwave.


p.s. I don’t have a dishwasher in the truck (yet), but as soon as I figure out the plumbing…

Cheers for pointing the uk site out,think they must have different power ratings for different countries or something.
Think i will go for the 1500w inverter cheap microwave option as i’m also sick of paying over the odds for other 12v/24v electrical stuff.
Now then does anyone know where i can get a cheap 1500w inverter, which will be fitted by our own fitters at no extra cost.

Try Maplins for the cheap inverter

Try Maplins for the cheap inverter

Will do ,can’t find anything cheaper than £150 on the net.